The Large-scale type involves collecting and analyzing information on science and technology innovations and changes in existing technology systems. Investment will be concentrated towards R&D projects that relate to "Technology Themes" that have been judged by MEXT as important for forming the bases for future technologies.
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO)
(Counselor, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.)
Technology Themes and R&D Projects
Technology Theme: Innovative microwave measurement techniques for a safe, secure, and smart society (FY2021)
Research and Development of Microwave Radar and Radiometer using Ultra Wide Band Antenna and Digital Technologies
Technology Theme: Innovative device technologies to achieve ultra-high level information processing in the age of trillion sensors (TSensors) (FY2020)
Innovation of Photoelectric Technologies using Spintronics
Technology Theme: Innovative thermoelectric conversion technologies for stand-alone power supplies for sensors (FY2019)
Utilizing magnetism to develop high performance thermoelectric materials and devices
PM: MORI Takao
Technology Theme: Ultrahigh precision time measurement technologies leading to a new time-business (FY2018)
Space-time information platform with a cloud of optical lattice clocks
PM: KATORI Hidetoshi
Technology Theme: Development of innovative adhesion technologies for realizing Society 5.0 (FY2018)
Innovative Adhesion Technology Based on 4-dimensional Multi-scale Analysis of Interfaces
Technology Theme: Innovative Hydrogen liquefaction technologies desired in future society (FY2018)
Development of advanced hydrogen liquefaction system by using magnetic refrigeration technology
Technology Theme: Laser-plasma acceleration technologies leading to innovative downsizing and high energy of particle accelerators (FY2017)
Development and demonstration of laser-driven quantum beam accelerators
Technology Theme: High-temperature superconducting wire joint technologies leading to innovative reduction of energy loss (FY2017)
Social implementation of super-high field NMRs and DC superconducting cables for railway systems, through advancement of joint-technology between hightemperature superconducting wires
PM: ONO Michitaka
Technology Theme: Quantum inertial sensor technologies leading to innovative high precision and downsizing of self-localization units (FY2017-2023)
Development of high-performance gyroscopes with matter waves
R&D Management Committee Members
Innovative microwave measurement techniques for a safe, secure, and smart society (PM: TOMII Naoya)
OKUMURA Naoki | Former Representative Director and Executive Vice President, NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION |
KIJIMA Yutaka | Chief Executive Officer, IP Alliance |
KOKUBO Masaru | Senior professioal, Center for Technology Innovation - Instrumentation, Hitachi, Ltd. |
TAKAHASHI Nobuhiro | Professor, Institute for Space-Earth Environment Research, Nagoya University |
DEGUCHI Hiroyuki | Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University |
Innovative device technologies to achieve ultra-high level information processing in the age of trillion sensors (TSensors) (PM: NAKATSUJI Satoru)
AWANO Hiroyuki | Professor, Toyota Technological Institute |
IWAMOTO Satoshi | Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo |
KIMURA Shin'ichiro | Technical advisor, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd |
KUROBE Atsushi | President, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute |
SUZUKI Yoshishige | Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University |
TANAKA Masaaki | Professor, Department Electronic Engineering, The University of Tokyo |
Innovative thermoelectric conversion technologies for stand-alone power supplies for sensors (PM: MORI Takao)
ONO Teruo | Professor, Division of Materials Chemistry, Kyoto University |
OBARA Haruhiko | Vice President, Department of Energy and Environment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
SATO Katsuaki | Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
TAKEDA Masatoshi | Vice President, Professor, Nagaoka University of Technology |
TANIGUCHI Kenji | Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Future Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University |
CHIBA Daichi | General Manager, International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku University/Professor, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University |
NAKAMURA Takanori | Principal engineer, Advanced Device Technology Development Department, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. |
YAMADA Yuka | Assistant Director General, Department of Information Technology and Human Factors,National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
Ultrahigh precision time measurement technologies leading to a new time-business (PM: KATORI Hidetoshi)
URABE Shinji | Professor Emeritus, Osaka University |
SASASE Iwao | Professor Emeritus, Keio University |
HIROKAWA Rui | Chief Engineer, Kamakura Works, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
MORINAGA Atsuo | Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science |
Development of innovative adhesion technologies for realizing Society 5.0 (PM: TANAKA Keiji)
AZUMA Yuichi | Fellow, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. |
ITOH Satoshi | Chief Coordinator, Foundation for Computational Science |
OOMORI Tatsuo | Chief Technical Adviser, Corporate Research & Development Group, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
TAKEMURA Akio | Emeritus Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo |
CHUJO Yoshiki | Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University |
Innovative Hydrogen liquefaction technologies desired in future society (PM: NISHIMIYA Nobuyuki)
INOMATA Akihiko | Project Manager, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. |
NAKUI Koji | Senior Program Manager, Technology Planning Department, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization |
HIBI Masaaki | NIMS Special Resercher, National Institute for Materials Science |
FURUYA Takaaki | Senior Research Fellow, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. |
HORI Shusuke | Manager, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
YAKABE Hisataka | Executive Officer, Director, TOKYO GAS CO., LTD. |
YAMANE Kimitaka | President, Yamane Hydrogen Energy Research Laboratory |
Laser-plasma acceleration technologies leading to innovative downsizing and high energy of particle accelerators (PM: SANO Yuji)
OHTA Toshiaki | Senior Researcher, Ritsumeikan University |
OKAZAKI Yukinori | Former Director and CTO, Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. |
KATO Yoshiaki | Professor emeritus, Osaka University |
NODA Akira | Senior Researcher, Institute for Quantum Medical Science, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology |
HAMA Hiroyuki | Professor, Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University |
High-temperature superconducting wire joint technologies leading to innovative reduction of energy loss (PM: ONO Michitaka)
AKITA Shirabe | Senior Advisor Emeritus, Central Reasearch Institute of Electric Power Industry |
OHSHIMA Shigetoshi | Professor Emeritus, Yamagata University |
TAKEGOSHI Kiyonori | Specially Appointed Professor, Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation, Kyoto University |
TAJIMA Setsuko | Professor Emeritus, Osaka University |
HAMAJIMA Takataro | Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University |
MATSUSHITA Teruo | Professor Emeritus, Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Quantum inertial sensor technologies leading to innovative high precision and downsizing of self-localization units (PM: KOZUMA Mikio)
SUGIYAMA Kazuhiko | Associate Professor, Graduate School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University |
HAYASAKA Kazuhiro | Associate Director, Advanced ICT Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |
MORINAGA Atsuo | Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science |
YOSHIDA Hiroshi | Group Leader, Principal Researcher, Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC) Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment Research (IACE) Arctic Observation Technology Development Group |
YOROZU Shinichi | Deputy Director, The Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN |