Large-scale Type


The Large-scale type involves collecting and analyzing information on science and technology innovations and changes in existing technology systems. Investment will be concentrated towards R&D projects that relate to "Technology Themes" that have been judged by MEXT as important for forming the bases for future technologies.

R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO)

OISHI Yoshihiro
(Counselor, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.)

Technology Themes and R&D Projects

R&D Management Committee Members

Innovative microwave measurement techniques for a safe, secure, and smart society (PM: TOMII Naoya)

OKUMURA Naoki Former Representative Director and Executive Vice President, NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION
KIJIMA Yutaka Chief Executive Officer, IP Alliance
KOKUBO Masaru Senior professioal, Center for Technology Innovation - Instrumentation, Hitachi, Ltd.
TAKAHASHI Nobuhiro Professor, Institute for Space-Earth Environment Research, Nagoya University
DEGUCHI Hiroyuki Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University

Innovative device technologies to achieve ultra-high level information processing in the age of trillion sensors (TSensors) (PM: NAKATSUJI Satoru)

AWANO Hiroyuki Professor, Toyota Technological Institute
IWAMOTO Satoshi Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
KIMURA Shin'ichiro Technical advisor, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd
KUROBE Atsushi President, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute
SUZUKI Yoshishige Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
TANAKA Masaaki Professor, Department Electronic Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Innovative thermoelectric conversion technologies for stand-alone power supplies for sensors (PM: MORI Takao)

ONO Teruo Professor, Division of Materials Chemistry, Kyoto University
OBARA Haruhiko Vice President, Department of Energy and Environment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
SATO Katsuaki Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
TAKEDA Masatoshi Vice President, Professor, Nagaoka University of Technology
TANIGUCHI Kenji Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Future Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
CHIBA Daichi General Manager, International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku University/Professor, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
NAKAMURA Takanori Principal engineer, Advanced Device Technology Development Department, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
YAMADA Yuka Assistant Director General, Department of Information Technology and Human Factors,National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Ultrahigh precision time measurement technologies leading to a new time-business (PM: KATORI Hidetoshi)

URABE Shinji Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
SASASE Iwao Professor Emeritus, Keio University
HIROKAWA Rui Chief Engineer, Kamakura Works, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
MORINAGA Atsuo Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science

Development of innovative adhesion technologies for realizing Society 5.0 (PM: TANAKA Keiji)

AZUMA Yuichi Fellow, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.
ITOH Satoshi Chief Coordinator, Foundation for Computational Science
OOMORI Tatsuo Chief Technical Adviser, Corporate Research & Development Group, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
TAKEMURA Akio Emeritus Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
CHUJO Yoshiki Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University

Innovative Hydrogen liquefaction technologies desired in future society (PM: NISHIMIYA Nobuyuki)

INOMATA Akihiko Project Manager, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
NAKUI Koji Senior Program Manager, Technology Planning Department, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization
HIBI Masaaki NIMS Special Resercher, National Institute for Materials Science
FURUYA Takaaki Senior Research Fellow, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
HORI Shusuke Manager, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
YAKABE Hisataka Executive Officer, Director, TOKYO GAS CO., LTD.
YAMANE Kimitaka President, Yamane Hydrogen Energy Research Laboratory

Laser-plasma acceleration technologies leading to innovative downsizing and high energy of particle accelerators (PM: SANO Yuji)

OHTA Toshiaki Senior Researcher, Ritsumeikan University
OKAZAKI Yukinori Former Director and CTO, Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd.
KATO Yoshiaki Professor emeritus, Osaka University
NODA Akira Senior Researcher, Institute for Quantum Medical Science, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
HAMA Hiroyuki Professor, Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University

High-temperature superconducting wire joint technologies leading to innovative reduction of energy loss (PM: ONO Michitaka)

AKITA Shirabe Senior Advisor Emeritus, Central Reasearch Institute of Electric Power Industry
OHSHIMA Shigetoshi Professor Emeritus, Yamagata University
TAKEGOSHI Kiyonori Specially Appointed Professor, Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation, Kyoto University
TAJIMA Setsuko Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
HAMAJIMA Takataro Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
MATSUSHITA Teruo Professor Emeritus, Kyushu Institute of Technology

Quantum inertial sensor technologies leading to innovative high precision and downsizing of self-localization units (PM: KOZUMA Mikio)

SUGIYAMA Kazuhiko Associate Professor, Graduate School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
HAYASAKA Kazuhiro Associate Director, Advanced ICT Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
MORINAGA Atsuo Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science
YOSHIDA Hiroshi Group Leader, Principal Researcher, Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC) Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment Research (IACE) Arctic Observation Technology Development Group
YOROZU Shinichi Deputy Director, The Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN
