R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO)
KONDO Akihiko
(Vice President and Professor, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University)
(Vice President and Professor, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University)
To realize a drastic reduction of GHG emissions by 2050, this area focuses on the stable securing of energy and on efficiency of energy use: energy saving technologies, higher efficiency of renewable energy, and stabilization of energy use through hydrogen or energy storage.
(Excerpt from "About research areas for setting a prioritized theme" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT))
Prioritized Themes and R&D Projects
- Realization of a low carbon society through game changing technologies (FY2017-)
Feasibility Study
Full-scale R&D Project (Uchimoto PJ)
Full-scale R&D Project (Miyagishima PJ)
Full-scale R&D Project (Wakamiya PJ)
Full-scale R&D Project (Sazuka PJ)
Full-scale R&D Project (Fujimoto PJ)
R&D Management Committee Members
OHSAKI Hiroyuki | Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo |
KURODA Tadahiro | University Professor, Office of University Professor, The University of Tokyo |
KUWABATA Susumu | Emeritus Professor, Osaka University |
TATSUMI Takashi | Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
DOI Yoshiharu | Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
HALADA Kohmei | Emeritus Researcher, National Institute for Materials Science |