Research Mission Areas and Prioritized Themes


Small-start Type

■ Feasibility Study

In Small-start type, feasibility studies will adopt the small-start method and incorporate many innovative ideas through calls, leading step-by-step from a feasibility study to full-scale research.
R&D themes will be called for in the areas stipulated by MEXT and according to the "Prioritized Themes" JST has chosen.

"Advanced Intelligent Information Society" mission area

Established FY2021
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
MAEDA Eisaku (Chairman/ Professor, Tokyo Denki University)

"New Social Challenges" mission area

Established FY2021
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
TAKAHASHI Keiko (Senior Researcher/ Professor, Integrated Institute for Regulatory Science, Research Organization for Nano & Life Innovation, Waseda University)

"Society Optimized for Diversity" mission area

Established FY2021
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
WAGA Iwao (Senior Fellow, NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.)

"Super Smart Society (Society 5.0)" mission area

Established FY2017
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
MAEDA Akira (Former Corporate Chief Engineer, Information & Communication Technology Business Division, Hitachi Ltd.)

"Sustainable Society" mission area

Established FY2017
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
KUNIEDA Hideyo (Director, Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center, Aichi Science and Technology Foundation)

"Most Safe and Secure Society in the world" mission area

Established FY2017
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
TANAKA Ken-ichi (Former Senior Engineer, Corporate Research and Development Group, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)

"Low Carbon Society" mission area

Established FY2017
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
KONDO Akihiko (Vice President and Professor, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University)

"Common Platform Technology, Facilities, and Equipment" mission area

Established FY2018
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
OSAKABE Nobuyuki (Executive advisor, Core Technology & Solutions Business Group, Hitachi High-Tech Corporation)

■ Full-scale R&D Project

Full-scale R&D Projects

Large-scale Type

The Large-scale type involves collecting and analyzing information on science and technology innovations and changes in existing technology systems. Investment will be concentrated towards R&D projects that relate to "Technology Themes" that have been judged by MEXT as important for forming the bases for future technologies.

Large-scale Type

Established FY2017
R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO):
OISHI Yoshihiro (Counselor, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.)
