"Super Smart Society (Society 5.0)" mission area


R&D Supervisor (Program Officer: PO)

(Former Corporate Chief Engineer, Information & Communication Technology Business Division, Hitachi Ltd.)


This research area is transdisciplinary, aiming to generate new value through the creation of industries and reformation of future society. Specifically, it includes spreading the utilization of networks and IoT not only to manufacturing industries but also to R&D in various other fields and strengthening base technologies (necessary for building a common platform through the effective utilization of IoT and base technologies that are a core of Japan's strength in creating new value, including advanced measurement technologies) for maintaining and strengthening the competitiveness of Japan as a super smart society. It also includes technologies related to space, such as satellite position measurement, satellite remote sensing, satellite communications, and satellite broadcasting.
(Excerpt from MEXT's "About Areas of Prioritized Themes")

Prioritized Themes and R&D Projects

R&D Management Committee Members

Theme Manager:
WASHIO Takashi
Professor, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Kansai University
ENDO Kaoru Emeritus Professor, Gakushuin University
OIKAWA Takuya President, TABLY INC./Founding Partner,Global Hands-On VC
SATO Akira President and CEO, connectome.design inc.
SHIN Seiichi Emeritus Professor, The University of Electro-Communications
TANI Mikiya Senior Professional, Global Innovation Strategic Division, NEC Corporation
NISHIO Nobuhiko Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
