"Most Safe and Secure Society in the world" mission area


Realization of wellbeing by feedback based on psychological states evaluated by objective methods

This theme aims to elucidate the relationship between the data measured in daily life and psychological states, develop technologies for objectively estimating psychological states using data from multiple sources, and develop an appropriate method of feedback according to psychological states based on scientific evidence. The goal is to realize the wellbeing of individuals by promoting their psychological state to demonstrate their abilities.

R&D Projects

Feasibility Study

<Adopted in FY2020> R&D Project TitleSummaryR&D Period
Mobile health technologies for the management of warning signs for depression toward reducing presenteeism
OKAMOTO Yasumasa (Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Director, Center for Brain, Mind and Kansei sciences research, Hiroshima University)
Mobile health technologies for the management of warning signs for depression toward reducing presenteeism
Wellbeing augmentation via emotion sensing from facial expressions
SATO Wataru (Team Leader, Psychological Process Team, Guardian Robot Project, RIKEN)
Wellbeing augmentation via emotion sensing from facial expressions
Mental optimization by interoception decoding and modulation
NAKAZAWA Kimitaka (Director, UTSSI, The University of Tokyo)
Mental optimization by interoception decoding and modulation
Augmenting shared dining experiences with heartfulness practice and QOL measurements
NAKAMURA Yuichi (Professor, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University)
Augmenting shared dining experiences with heartfulness practice and QOL measurements
Maximization of interventional ways for promoting health by improving fatigue debt dynamics
MIZUNO Kei (Senior Scientist, Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, RIKEN)
Maximization of interventional ways for promoting health by improving fatigue debt dynamics

* For feasibility studies adopted by FY2020, the affiliation and job title of PIs are as of the end of the studies.

<Adopted in FY2021> R&D Project TitleSummaryR&D Period
Safe and secure life of perinatal period: Implementation of odors involved in interaction between mothers and newborns
OZAKI Mamikoexlink
Safe and secure life of perinatal period: Implementation of odors involved in interaction between mothers and newborns
Maintenance and improvement of brain health by brainwave-based brain training competition, "bSports"
HASEGAWA Ryoheiexlink
Maintenance and improvement of brain health by brainwave-based brain training competition, bSports
An Education and Learning Support System That Can Predict and Improve Individual's Learning Effects
YAMASAKI Toshihikoexlink
An Education and Learning Support System That Can Predict and Improve Individual's Learning Effects

From FY2021, affiliation and job title should automatically appear from the information that a researcher registered with researchmap. Data may be outdated or undocumented.
When there is not a connection via the internet, data are not displayed.
