As a funding agency that promotes R&D of pioneering science and technology (S&T), RISTEX has been carrying out surveys and analyses to support simultaneous conduct of R&D and its ELSI/RRI, in cooperation with other departments in JST. ELSI/RRI refers to activities that specify ethical, legal, and social issues associated with development and diffusion of S&T in the past, present, and future, and attempts at large that aim to solve underlying social problems while trying to harmonize S&T and society, by collaborative efforts among natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, and a wide range of stakeholders in society.
Over the years, RISTEX has accumulated methodologies, knowledge, and interpersonal networks through its efforts to promote R&D in S&T for society. By utilizing these attributes, RISTEX provides knowledge and information that can contribute to solutions to social issues by science, technology, and innovation (STI), through ELSI/RRI initiatives while flexibly collaborating with other JST departments.
ELSI/RRI Initiatives in RISTEX Research Activities
- ELSI initiative in genome-related technologies
- ELSI Initiative on cultured meat
- ELSI Initiative in digital fabrication technology
- ELSI initiative in BRAIN-AI Hybrid Technology
- A Study of Research Ethics Reviews
ELSI/RRI-Related Focus Area/Program in R&D Funding
RISTEX also promotes ELSI/RRI in its R&D funding activities.
The Human-Information Technology Ecosystem (HITE) R&D Focus Area, launched in FY2016, had promoted R&D which focus on ELSI of information technology (Focus Area ended in FY2023). In addition, the Responsible Innovation with Conscience and Agility (RInCA) R&D program was launched in FY2020, for the promotion of research and development of methodologies in ELSI of emerging technologies and for training diverse human resources in ELSI-related activities.