From FY2020, we have been conducting surveys which are aimed to provide evidences for JST as a funding agency to further promote transdisciplinary (TD) research in Japan.
In the initial survey in FY2020, TDR projects funded by our Future Earth initiative and Belmont Forum's international collaborative research projects in which Japanese researchers participated were reviewed and analyzed. Also, the current status of and trends in research activities in Japan which are related to global issues were mapped, from which implications for future promotion of related research were extracted. In FY2021, based on the findings of the FY2020 survey, we continue to map research activities related to global issues. At the same time, we aim to achieve more specific tasks, such as reframing of such global issues in terms of SDGs, grasping rapid transformations triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, surveying the trends in evaluations of TDR, and developing a quick method to grasp Japan's research potential in Belmont Forum-related research topics.
An example mapping of research potential (technological seeds) vs importance