"Sustainable Society" mission area: Full-scale R&D Project


Small-start Type: Full-scale R&D Projects

Development of Next Generation Sustainable Aquaculture System

Project Leader

NAKAYAMA Ichiroexlink

Prioritized Theme Creation of innovative food production technologies responding to future changes in climate and social demands
R&D Period 2021.06-(Feasibility Study: 2018.11-2021.05)
Grant Number JPMJMI21C1
Project Summary SummaryPDF(PDF:552KB)

Japan is a country surrounded by wide variety of ocean environments and fish species.
The project aims to develop a next-generation aquaculture system to establish a sustainable aquaculture industry and to protect Japanese fish food culture.

Research summary:
We develop a next-generation aquaculture system that integrates novel "food" "seeds" and "places" research.

We conduct researches on novel "feed", "seed", and "place" for sustainable aquaculture; fish-free feed, short-term seed development, and aquaculture system with environment adaptability. We integrate the outputs of research to a new aquaculture system applicable to various environments and fish species in Japan to support Japan's rich food culture.

The research will lead to the sustainable supply of the world's high-quality protein sources and the maintenance and conservation of marine resources.


R&D Team

Kyoto University, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo, Riken, Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries,
Nissui Corporation, Hanamaruki Foods Inc.

* This project is launched by integrating the following feasibility studies;
"Development of resources-recycling aquaculture feeds inspired from features of the ecosystem" (OGAWA Jun) and "Next-generation fish breeding by combination of developmental biotechnology and genomic selection" (YOSHIZAKI Goro)

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