"Common Platform Technology, Facilities, and Equipment" mission area: Full-scale R&D Project


Small-start Type: Full-scale R&D Projects

High-throughput Platform for Device Development by Fusion of Multi-scale Measurement and Modeling

Project Leader

INOUE Genexlink

Prioritized Theme Realization of common platform technologies, facilities and equipment that create innovative knowledge and products
R&D Period 2024.04- (Feasibility Study: 2021.10-2024.03)
Grant Number JPMJMI24G1
Project Summary SummaryPDF(PDF:926KB)

The objective of this project is to establish a high-throughputplatform for device development by integrating multi-scalemeasurement and modeling.

In the first stage, we attempt tounderstand the internal phenomena of all solid-state batteries byusing cutting-edge measurement technology, data treatmenttechnology, multi-physics simulations, and an automaticoptimization method.

We then realize a technology that cananalyze batteries by decomposing their three-dimensionaldistribution and resistance components using kinetic-non steadymathematical modeling of electrochemical reactions and masstransport.

Our findings offer insight into the relationshipbetween internal phenomena and cell performance, stability, anddurability, and present a design for an optimal device system.

Another objective is to develop technologies that provide designguidelines for enhancing a variety of devices and systems byestimating their internal phenomena.

These technologies canreduce the lead time for final product development.


R&D Team

Tohoku Univ., The Univ. of Tokyo, Kyoto Univ., Hokkaido Univ., Kyushu Univ.,
Ritsumeikan Univ., Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

* This project is launched by integrating the following feasibility studies;
"Development of a 3D multiscale and multimodal operando chemical analysis platform"(AMEZAWA Koji), "Development of Multi-scale Digital Feedback Loop by Integrating Non-destructive Measurement, Space-Time Inverse Analysis and Modeling"(INOUE Gen)

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