We have established two research centers:
One at National Instittute for Materials Science (NIMS) for Heat Resistant Material Creation Technology
– Research and Development of innovative manufacturing-process technology for heat resistant alloys for aircrafts.
The other at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) for High-perfomance TiAl Intermetallic Compounds
– Research and Development of practical applications of advanced-functional TiAI intermetallic compounds for next generation.
PRISM (Process Innovation for Super-heat resistant Metals)
We are working on development of innovative processing technology for heat resistant alloys to produce internationally competitive aircraft components etc. Based on a materials database and constitutive equations extracted from Ti alloys and Ni-base alloys forged materials by a forging simulator (large-scale forging press machine), we have constructed highly-reliable prediction tool for structures and characteristics. This tool enables us to provide all users of the optimum forging processing flow of the components with required mechanical characteristics at the shortest. In the research activities for the laser metal deposition and metal injection molding as the new metal powder process, we have developed highly-productive and low-cost manufacturing process by introducing near-net shaping, utilizing our original database. As for the individual subject, we are developing our own fabrication technology for power generation disks made of Ni base alloys etc.
In relation to the large-scale precision forging simulator, 15 organizations from industry, academia and national research institutes have been participating to develop a forging technology for Ti alloys and Ni base alloys as the heat resistant material for aircraft engines, and a tool for the prediction of structures and characteristics along with the database construction. These research collaborations have also been promoted with other units to develop practical applications. In a project of Innovative forging process basis, several companies have participated in as the main advisors and are conducting fundamental research leading to manufacturing.
Improvement in workability for advanced high strength forged Ni-based wrought materials whose development for aircrafts is underway and the realization for gas turbines of power generation has been carried out. In this study, structure control altering the matching interface between the parent phase (γ phase) and the precipitation strengthening phase (γ 'phase) into the inconsistent one has been investigated by hot forging and heat treatment for the advance high strength Ni-based alloys. Because the reinforcing ability of Ni-based alloy vanishes, it has been discovered that the workability can be improved greatly (hereafter “MH Process”).
In this research, we have tackled to clarify the mechanism of structural formation in order to optimize the organization that improves processability, and conduct rough design of the actual part manufacturing process, and evaluate costs and processability through trial actual machine simulation parts. Furthermore, we are aiming for gas turbine application of advanced high strength Ni-based forged materials by examining the optimum model including several parameters of the forging simulation (DEFORM) in crystal structure form originating from MH process.
Principle of microstructure and process is designed by Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) for innovative TiAl alloys with specific intensity and heat resistance. The Melting Manufacturing Process Technology based on the principle of the proposed development alloys is developed by Kobe Steel, Ltd and the fabrication process of precision casting and forging for jet engine wings is developed by IHI Corporation, and they are aiming for the actual application in 2020 by closely cooperating with industry and academia. In addition, the layered modeling technology by electron beams is being developed.
Development of design for High-performance TiAI Intermetallic Compounds for jet engines and manufacturing technology
We are developing low-pressure turbine blades made of TiAl intermetallic compounds which simultaneously controlled shape and microstructure by electron beam 3D melting (3D-EBM) process for the purpose of contributing to high efficiency of jet engines for aircrafts. Specifically, by optimizing process parameters of this method, we are working to establish a method for highly efficient production of TiAl structure with excellent surface shape, dimensional accuracy, and modeling density. Subsequently, we will achieve high strength, high ductility and improved creep characteristics of the TiAl structure by controlling the microstructure peculiar to TiAl during layered fabrication.
Ultimately, we will produce layered TiAl low pressure turbine blades with excellent mechanical properties and material reliability by simultaneous control of shape and microstructure based on the obtained findings.
No. | R&D Project | Research Unit | Unit Leader |
B21 | Process Innovation for Super Heat-resistant Metals | Development of Innovative Forging Process Technology and Construction of Material / Process Database with the Largescale and Precise Forging Simulator | ◎☆Yoko Mitarai (NIMS) ◎☆Yoichi Fujita (J-Forge) |
B22 | Development of Innovative Production Technology Utilizing Laser Metal Deposition for Aero Engine Components | Kenichiroh Igashira (KHI) | |
B23 | Development of Metal Injection Molding Process Technique for Aero Engine Components | Hideshi Miura (Kyushu U.) Hiroshi Kuroki (IHI) |
B24 | Development of Basic Technology for Innovative Forging Process | Tomonori Kitashima (NIMS) | |
B26 | Development of Practical Forming Process Technology for High Strength Ni-Based Wrought Disk Alloys | Shinya Imano (MHPS) | |
B29 | Innovative Design and Production Technology of Novel TiAl Alloys for Jet-engine Applications | Design Principle of Microstructure and Processing for Innovative TiAl Alloys | ☆Masao Takeyama (TIT) |
B30 | Development of New Manufacturing Process for High Quality and Low-cost TiAl Ingot | Koichi Sakamoto (Kobe steel) | |
B31 | Development of Innovative Manufacturing Process for TiAl Blade | ☆Satoshi Takahashi (IHI) | |
B32 | Development of Manufacturing Technique for TiAl Turbine blade with Oriented Lamellae | Hiroyuki Yasuda (Osaka U.) |
◎:Co-Director of Research Domain ☆:Co-Manager