"Common Platform Technology, Facilities, and Equipment" mission area: Full-scale R&D Project


Small-start Type: Full-scale R&D Projects

Materials Exploration Platform; Expanding Search Space by high-throughput technology

Project Leader

NAGATO Keisukeexlink

Prioritized Theme Realization of common platform technologies, facilities and equipment that create innovative knowledge and products
R&D Period 2021.06- (Feasibility Study: 2019.11-2021.05)
Grant Number JPMJMI21G2
Project Summary SummaryPDF(PDF:596KB)

In order to improve efficiency of material research and development, we build a new material search method "Materials Exploration Platform", utilizing experience which is Japan's strengths.

POCs are following three for KPI of 1,000-times throughput on battery materials synthesis;
(1) High-throughput autonomous exploration systems;
- "Prototype" : autonomous experiment system
- "Measure" : automatic crystal structure analysis
- "Accumulate" : properties prediction system
(2) Data-driven/hypothesis-driven hybrid research style;
"Understand (induce inspiration based on experience)" is connected to "P"→ "M"→ "A" by machine learning.
(3) Knowledge shearing;
Knowledge obtained from data, inspirating researchers, is shared with R&D institution, R&D company, and measuring instrument manufacturers for future materials R&D ecosystem.


R&D Team

Institute of Science Tokyo, Osaka University,
National Institute for Material Science (NIMS), Omron Sinicx Co.

Project Website


* This project is launched by integrating the following feasibility studies;
"Multiscale Multimodal Materials Structure Analysis System" (ONO Kanta), "Development of Materials Design Workflow and Data Library for "Materials Foundry" " (CHIKYOW Toyohiro), "Materials Robotics: A new research style for materials science" (HITOSUGI Taro) and "Data-driven Process Informatics for higher-throughput researches on powder fi lm-formation process" (NAGATO Keisuke)
