1) Research Area – "Epigenetics of Stem Cells"
JST-CIHR Joint Research Project "The Epigenetics of Stem Cells" is created to promote and expand joint researches on ways to lead to new innovative technologies that could address major challenges in the basic understanding of stem cell activity and function, as well as remove barriers to effective translation of stem cell research for health benefits.
2) Funding Agency of Canada Side
3) Collaborative Research Projects with Canada
Title |
Research Leader in Japan
Research Leader in Canada
Period |
Epigenetics and stemness in human hematopoiesis and leukemia: a new generation of stem cell targeted regenerative and leukemia therapeutics |
Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Professor and Director, Center for StemCell Biology and RegenerativeMedicine, Institute ofMedical Science, University of Tokyo
John E. Dick, Senior Scientist, Canada Research Chair in Stem Cell Biology, Ontario Cancer Institute
FY2013 〜 FY2017 |
Genetic and epigenetic hierarchies distinguishing pluripotent and trophoblast stem cells |
Hitoshi Niwa, Laboratory Head / Project Leader, Laboratory for Pluripotent Cell Studies, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Janet Rossant, Senior Scientist, Developmental & Stem Cell Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children
FY2013 〜 FY2017 |
Directing Cellular Identity to Move Towards Progenitor Cell Therapies |
Yasuhiro Yamada, Professor, Center for iPS cell Research and Application (CiRA), Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University
Andras Nagy, Senior Investigator, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital
FY2013 〜 FY2017 |