




Cochrane: Trusted information for medical care



Cochrane: Trusted information for medical care - The Social Significance of Cochrane

How Cochrane and their systematic reviews contribute to improved health internationally with some examples from Cochrane’s Covid-19 response - Cochrane has been described as an enterprise that rivals the Human Genome Project in its social significance (The Lancet). In this session we hope to show what Cochrane can do for health services and what they are doing in Japan.

Cochrane: Trusted information for medical care


Trusted information is needed for clinical care. In this presentation, a brief overview of Cochrane systematic reviews and of domestic activities for dissemination of Cochrane evidence will be introduced.



Jacqueline Ho

Jacqueline Ho (Jackie) is a Professor of Paediatrics at RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus (formerly Penang Medical College). She is also a Consultant Neonatologist. Jackie first became involved in Cochrane as an author in 1998 and to date has over 20 review documents on the Cochrane Library. Including these she has over 90 peer-reviewed publications. Jackie has worked at establishing Cochrane’s presence in Malaysia through training authors and journalists and setting up a translation initiative. She was the Founding Director of Cochrane Malaysia, started in 2013 and is now Co-Director. Jackie is also a Cochrane Trainer and is on the Advisory Group for Cochrane Training Support. She is on the Senior Editorial Team for Cochrane Neonatal. Besides Cochrane systematic reviews her research interest is getting research evidence into clinical practice and policy. Her research has resulted in her being consulted by WHO as a Technical Expert on four separate occasions. This year she was invited to take part on one of the three small discussion groups in the WHO Science Communication Conference. She is also an Academic Editor for PLOS ONE.

MB, ChB (Otago), New Zealand
M. Med. Sc (ClinEpid), Newcastle Australia
FRCP (Glasg)


渡辺 範雄 Norio Watanabe

Dr. Norio Watanabe has been involved in Cochrane as a review author since 2003, and as the Director of Cochrane Japan since 2018. He is a psychiatrist and a former associate professor of Kyoto University. He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications including systematic reviews and primary studies especially in general psychiatry.



Overall title: Cochrane: Trusted information for medical care

Cochrane has been described as an enterprise that rivals the Human Genome Project in its social significance (The Lancet). In this session we hope to show what Cochrane can do for health services. 


Dr Ho’s session title:

Cochrane: Trusted information for medical care - The social significance of Cochrane


How Cochrane and its systematic reviews contribute to improved health internationally with examples from Cochrane’s Covid-19 response. 



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