アゴラ2014 開幕セッション・キーノートセッション 開催報告
Keynote Session

アゴラキーノートセッション3「国際共同研究の現場から学ぶ ~地球環境問題と日本の役割~」
Agora Keynote Session 3 "What we can learn from international research collaborations : Global environmental issues and Japan's role in science and technology"

■開催概要/Session Information

■登壇者と発表資料/Presenters and Presentation Materials

■映像記録/Film Chronicle

■レポート/Session Report


Various approaches are needed in order to solve cross-border global environmental problems including rising sea levels and the retreat of glaciers caused by global warming, as well as climate change. In Agora Keynote Session 3, we heard from researchers working on international research collaborations about the outcomes and lessons learned from projects. We also discussed the roles Japan should play in the international community.

How should we approach global environmental problems?


Environmental problems occurring on a global scale are the largest issues of the 21st century. In particular, the impacts of global warming are causing major problems in various countries around the world. The rise in sea levels is putting some island nations in great danger of being submerged, and the retreat of glaciers may cause major disturbances to ecosystems and the climate. However, because these issues are so large in scale and scope, members of the public have difficulty envisaging how they can approach them.


In the opening address, Toru Nakashizuka, Professor at Tohoku University said that international research collaborations involve difficulties, but it would be very good if individual participants could find things to contribute, by listening to the outputs and lessons learned from the collaboration projects.


In the introductions for the international research collaboration projects, the researchers chosen to participate in the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) or the Strategic International Research Cooperative Program (SICP) explained their research outcomes and international collaborations.

Identifying where problems exist and giving detailed explanations to residents


Hajime Kayanne, Professor at the University of Tokyo who specializes in earth systems and coral reefs, has been conducting ecological engineering activities to protect Tuvalu (a nation made up of atolls in the South Pacific) from rising sea levels caused by global warming. Even high areas on Tuvalu are only 1-2 meters above sea level on average, and the nation is believed to be at severe risk of being submerged due to rising sea levels. However, Prof. Kayanne explained that they also have local problems such as environmental degradation caused by inappropriate land use and the discharge of untreated miscellaneous household wastewater.


Tuvalu islands are made up of shells of foraminifera (so-called “star sand”) accumulating on coral reefs. However, residential areas have expanded due to the population increasing in recent years, and waste is illegally dumped and miscellaneous household wastewater is discharged untreated into the sea. This is destroying ecosystems on the islands of Tuvalu and in the surrounding sea. The research project conducted by Prof. Kayanne and others found that this pollution caused the decline in the production of foraminifera and reduced the accumulation of sand, which has left the islands more likely to suffer from the impacts of rising sea levels.


The recommended countermeasures to the problems include aquaculture for foraminifera, the removal of piers and the purification of miscellaneous household wastewater. Prof. Kayanne said, “It is likely that the same thing applies to other island nations. I would like to share the findings with scientists working in other areas.”


Yoshihiro Asaoka, Project Assistant Professor at Tohoku University is taking part in a joint research project with a Bolivian university the Higher University of San Andres (UMSA). The project studies how tropical glaciers in Bolivia are affected by climate change and how to secure water sources in the relevant areas. Dr. Asaoka explained that glacial meltwater is used for daily life in Bolivia and the retreat of the glaciers caused by global warming could lead to the exhaustion of the water source.


In order to measure the amount of glacier melt, precipitation in the areas, etc., monitoring equipment had to be installed. Dr. Asaoka said that initially there were cases where the equipment was destroyed. He also reported that local residents did not know the purpose of the research and that his team started to interact with residents actively in addition to explaining the project to the government and municipal councils in detail. According to Dr. Asaoka, the residents now understand that the water resource problem is relevant to their local communities and cooperate with the project actively by overseeing the monitoring equipment, for example.


Dr. Asaoka said that international research collaborations transcend national and cultural barriers, and therefore it is important to build consensus by giving detailed explanations, etc. in addition to taking measures and making preparations comprehensively with the participation of the various stakeholders.


Disseminating research content and the use of problem downscaling methods


Atsuko Sugimoto, Professor at Hokkaido University said that global warming is more notable in the Arctic region. The permafrost in Eastern Siberia in the eastern part of Russia stores methane which is a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2. There is a concern that global warming may cause a vicious circle where the permafrost melts due to global warming, which releases the methane being stored underground and this accelerates global warming.


Prof. Sugimoto conducts research into material cycles for CO2, methane, water, etc. by for example sampling permafrost in forests, etc. in Eastern Siberia. According to Prof. Sugimoto, joint research with Russia has its own difficulties. She explained that, although Russia is a developed country, social conditions and the circumstances surrounding science and technology have changed greatly, since the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Nonetheless, local cooperation is essential for surveys and therefore they conduct activities to let people know about their research. Prof. Sugimoto said that they have incorporated local residents’ rituals into the observation inauguration ceremony and conducted a town meeting in a library.



Toshio Yamagata, Director of the Application Laboratory at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has conducted research into the association between the sea temperature in the southern Indian Ocean and rainfall in Southern Africa. Dr. Yamagata and others discovered anomalous sea-surface temperature changes where the eastern part of the southern Indian Ocean becomes cooler and the western part of the ocean becomes warmer. The phenomenon was named the “Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)” by them. There is a concern that this phenomenon will affect the global climate in a similar way to El Nino. The sea-surface temperature difference of the IOD is believed to alter the atmospheric flow and affect precipitation in Southern Africa. Through joint research with the Republic of South Africa, Dr. Yamagata aims to clarify the mechanism of the IOD occurrence and predict flooding and droughts in Southern Africa.


Dr. Yamagata explained that the important thing in tackling global environmental problems is to predict regional phenomena and to use the information to study phenomena in local areas (“downscaling”). The research conducted with the Republic of South Africa is no exception. They are trying to use the information on the regional climate change occurring in the southern Indian Ocean to tackle a problem concerning precipitation in the Republic of South Africa (downscaling) and to arrange local-level measures. Dr. Yamagata said that pre-disaster control measures can be taken if flooding and droughts can be predicted, and that they want to go further and eventually tackle the residents’ health problems with measures to control infectious diseases, etc.

Japan shares some of the problems


The speeches were followed by a panel discussion, where the previous four speakers were joined by Aiko Masuhara, Science Communicator at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) and Prof. Nakashizuka, who served as the facilitator and the coordinator, respectively. Romain Murenzi, Executive Director of the World Academy of Science (TWAS) and Eudy Mabuza, Minister-Counsellor: Science and Technology at the South African Embassy in Tokyo were invited as guests. The participants discussed the challenges concerning international research collaborations and other topics.



With regard to international research collaborations, all the participants expressed the views that interaction with local communities is essential and that researchers should understand their partners’ cultures. In international research collaborations with developing countries in particular, Dr. Yamagata said based on his experience that researchers need to have an attitude of treating their counterparts as partners rather than giving them assistance. Ms. Mabuza said that it is important to build mutual trust although it may take time, and that it is wonderful for various countries to collaborate with Japan on science and technology.

茅根氏は「ツバルでは、居住区の拡大が浸水被害の一因であることがわかったが、同じことは東日本大震災やたびたび起きる豪雨災害などにも当てはまる。かつて河川の氾濫原や扇状地だった場所に市街地や住宅地を作ってしまったことが、被害を拡大させています」と語り、自然の力を利用して災害を乗り越える技術である、Eco System Based Adaptationを日本も学んでいく必要性を示唆しました。

The findings of the joint research presented in the session highlighted issues that Japan has in addition to the problems in developing countries.
Prof. Kayanne suggested the need for Japan to learn about ecosystem-based adaptation which refers to techniques for adapting to increasing disasters using the abilities of nature, by explaining, “In Tuvalu, we found that the expansion of residential areas is one cause for inundation damage. The same thing applies to what happened in the Great East Japan Earthquake and the frequent damage from torrential rain. Urban districts and residential districts have been developed on what were once river floodplains and alluvial fans, and this has expanded the damage.”


The discussion extended to the issue of training the next generation. There was the opinion that, in the area of international research collaboration, training young people is necessary and more students should visit developing countries. Dr. Murenzi said to the young people in audience that they may overlook what is happening in the world if they only stay in their own countries and that he wants young people to go overseas and experience the diversity first-hand.



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