About Science Agora

コンセプト Concept

サイエンスアゴラとは、あらゆる人に開かれた科学と社会をつなぐ広場の総称です。 サイエンスアゴラは、異なる分野・セクター・年代・国籍を超えた関係者をつなぎ、さまざまな人たちが各地で主体的に推進する活動の広場です。 この広場に集まる人たちが多様な価値観を認め合いながら、対話・協働を通じて、これからの「社会とともにある科学」と「科学とともにある社会」の実現を目指します。


Science Agora is a generic term for a place connecting science and society, which is open to everyone. It is a forum in which various people promote activities in each region independently by connecting parties involved in different fields, sectors, generations, and nationalities. People gathering in this forum will aim to realize “science harmonized with society” and a “society harmonized with science” through dialogue and collaboration while respecting a diversity of values.

Science Agora activities fulfill these five conditions:

ビジョン Vision


科学とくらし ともに語り 紡ぐ未来

20世紀の科学技術は富や力の追求と並行して発展してきました。しかし限りある地球資源と世界のひずみを前に、今の科学技術には限界も見え始めています。 とくに成長社会から成熟社会へと移行し、多くの問題を抱え先行きの見えにくい今の日本では、関係者が集う場をつくり、科学と社会のこれからをともに考え、互いの考えを尊重して未来を創っていくことが必要であり、その文化を育てていきたいと考えています。 また、ともに考え、行動するあり方は、国・地域や文化によって多様であり、日本ならではの方法を模索したいと考えています。





The vision sets forth the long-term objective that we wish to make through the Science Agora.

A future woven through dialogue between science & daily life

Science and technology have developed in parallel with wealth and power in the 20th century. However, in the face of limited resources on Earth and growing strain on the world, we are now beginning to see the limitations of science and technology. In particular, as we make the transition from a growth society into a mature society, the Japan of today is confronted by many problems and it has become extremely difficult to see ahead into the future. In such a Japan, it is important for the relevant stakeholders to create a space where they can come together to consider the future of science and society, respect the views of others, and create a future. We hope to foster such a culture. Furthermore, there are diverse attitudes and approaches depending on the country/region and culture, and we hope to explore methods that are unique to Japan.

[Key points]

① We not only placed the emphasis on “creating a space,” but also on having the approach of having everyone put their heads together to create a future society.

② The concept embedded in “daily life”: In addition to placing the focus on the daily lives and ways of life of each individual, close to their heart, this approach also considers society as a whole.

③ The concept embedded in “weaving”: The importance of exploring methods that are unique to Japan for the creation of a future society has been incorporated into this concept. We call to mind the image of spinning thread a process of creating harmony in the sense of bringing thin and short, disjointed fibers closer together, and gradually building up and creating something meaningful rather than taking a single leap all at once.

ウェブサイトについて About this website

JSTでは、2006年から毎年11月にお台場地域を中心にあらゆる立場の人たちが参加し対話するオープンフォーラム「サイエンスアゴラ(年次総会)」を開催してきました。 私たちは、この1年に1度のイベントのほかにも、サイエンスアゴラの一環として、年間を通じたさまざまな対話の場を提供しています。 ウェブサイトでは、サイエンスアゴラ(年次総会)の情報に加え、それら年間を通じた活動についても紹介していきます。

Since 2006, JST has been holding the "Science Agora (Annual Meeting)", an open forum in which people from all positions participate and talk in November every year, mainly in the Odaiba area. In addition to this annual event, we also offer a variety of dialogue venues throughout the year as part of Science Agora. On the website, in addition to information on Science Agora (Annual Meeting), we will also introduce activities throughout the year.

これまでの開催 Past Science Agora

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
10/26(Sat)- 10/27(Sun) 10/26(Thu)- 10/28(Sat)
11/18(Sat)- 11/19(Sun)
10/20(Thu)- 10/22(Sat)
11/4(Fri)- 11/6(Sun)
10/10(Sun), 10/11(Mon)
11/3(Wed)- 11/7(Sun)
11/13(Fri)- 11/22(Sun) 11/15(Fri)- 11/17(Sun) 11/9(Fri)- 11/11(Sun) 11/24(Fri)- 11/26(Sun) 11/3(Thu)- 11/6(Sun) 11/13(Fri)- 11/15(Sun) 11/7(Fri)- 11/9(Sun) 11/9(Sat)- 11/10(Sun) 11/10(Sat)- 11/11(Sun) 11/18(Fri)- 11/20(Sun) 11/19(Fri)- 11/21(Sun) 10/31(Sat)- 11/3(Tue) 11/22(Sat)- 11/24(Mon) 11/25(Sat)- 11/27(Sun) 11/25(Sat)- 11/27(Sun)
Main theme
~Bound for the future with Science~
※テーマは設定せず、5つの “気になる” に基づきキュレーションを実施 まぜて、こえて、つくりだそう
Collaborate, Transcend, Create
Dialogue for Life
Human in the New Age
-What kind of future will we live in?-
Beyond the boundaries
Beyond the boundaries
Let’s build a society harmonized with science
Let’s build a society harmonized with science
How can we come together for building relations between future society and science?
Let’s find how you can associate with science
Let’s plant new seeds of science to recover from the disaster
Agora of science connecting to the future
地球の未来 日本からの提案Ⅱ
Proposals from Japan for the future of the Earth II
地球の未来 日本からの提案
Proposals from Japan for the future of the Earth
Let’s connect and switch to the future
Creating an Agora to connect science and society
5,539 8,806 6,841 9,875 10,574 3,708 2,803 3,328 6,650 7,172 7,432 5,796 4,012 5,352 4,723 8,705 6,109 2,269 1,500-2,000
1,566 1,282 1,267 717 854 1,493 1,218 1,767 2,653 1,973 2,710 2,704 2,243 1,705 1,211
153 137 142 103 102 154 120 149 214 195 188 232 212 194 145 147 123 94 100
2024 開催報告 Report 2023 開催報告 Report 2022 開催報告 Report 2021 開催報告 Report 2020 開催報告 Report 2019 開催報告 Report 2018 開催報告 Report 2017 開催報告 Report 2016 開催報告 Report 2015 開催報告 Report 2014 開催報告 Report 2013 開催報告 Report 2012 開催報告 Report 2011 開催報告 Report 2010 開催報告 Report
 (PDF: 14.5MB)
2009 開催報告 Report
 (PDF: 1.9MB)
2008 開催報告 Report
 (PDF: 2.5MB)
2007 開催報告 Report
 (PDF: 2.2MB)
2006 開催報告 Report
 (PDF: 4.4MB)

想定される期待 Expectations for Science Agora



図1 サイエンスアゴラに参加する「多様な関係者」

表1 各企画提供者の参加動機への期待

セクター 想定される参加動機 来場者としての期待
  • 科学者、事業者、メディア、市民と対話をしながら、共にこれからの政策をつくりたい
  • 自分たちがどのような仕事をしているかを、科学者、事業者、メディア、市民との対話を通じて理解してもらい、信頼を得たい
  • さまざまな現場の人たちの活動から国内外の状況変化を知り、自分たちの役割を認識したい
  • 科学者、事業者、メディア、市民の活動を見て自分の政策立案、実施に役立つ新しい洞察、共感、仲間を得たい
  • 自分の行政分野での経験を生かした新しいキャリア開発を考えたい
  • 自分の研究を他分野の科学者に理解してもらい、新しい展開に発展させたい
  • 自分の専門分野に関して、行政、他分野の科学者、事業者、メディア、市民に理解してもらい、応援してほしい
  • 次世代の科学者を育成し、科学の発展に寄与したい
  • 自分の研究分野以外の科学者の取り組みを知りたい(異分野交流)
  • 行政、事業者、メディア、市民の取り組みを知りたい(異業種交流)
  • 自分の新しい研究の方向性について、洞察、共感、仲間を得たい
  • 自分の科学者としての経験を生かした新しいキャリア開発を考えたい
  • 自分のビジョンを科学者、行政、メディア、市民に見てもらい、共感と仲間を得たい
  • 自分の事業に関して、行政、科学者、他の事業者、メディア、市民の疑問を知り、それに答えたい
  • 新たな連携先を探したい
  • 行政、科学者、他の事業者、メディア、市民の活動を見て自分のビジネスに役立つ新しい洞察、共感、仲間を得たい
  • 自分のビジネス経験を生かした新しいキャリア開発を考えたい
  • 自分たちの社会的な存在価値を具体的に知ってもらいたい
  • 自分たちが新しく開発したメディアツールを使ってもらえるように紹介したい
  • メディアの運営を支えるさまざまな新技術を若い人に知ってもらい、新しい人材を獲得したい
  • 自分たちが作った記事や番組を教材として活用する方法をデモしたい
  • 報道の素材を発掘したい
  • 行政、科学者、事業者、他のメディア、市民の活動を見て自分の仕事に役立つ新しい洞察、共感、仲間を得たい
  • 自分のメディア分野での経験を生かした新しいキャリア開発について考えたい
  • 自分が行っている活動について、科学者の意見を聴きたい
  • さまざまな人たちが行っている科学に関する活動を知り、自分が関わる活動に生かしたい
  • 若手の育成に貢献したい
  • 行政、科学者、事業者、他のメディア、市民の活動を見て自分に役立つ新しい洞察、共感、仲間を得たい
  • 自分の市民活動の経験を生かした新しいキャリア開発について考えたい

Science Agora has functioned as a platform for promoting dialogue between science and society. By providing an opportunity for multiple stakeholders to interact and collaborate with each other, Science Agora promotes the use of outcomes such as those leading to policy-making, problem solving, and knowledge creation.

Science Agora’s “multiple stakeholders” have been categorized into five groups: “policymakers,” “scientists,” “business people,” “media,” and “the general public” . Each group is expected to assume a different role and connect society and science from a particular standpoint (Table 1).

Table 1:Envisioned expectations

Sector Expectations as contributors Expectations as an attendees
  • Listen to the voices of other policymakers, scientists, businesspeople, the media, and the general public for implemented or prepared policies and acquire useful insights, new opinions, and partners
  • Offer to help develop an understanding of policy by scientists, businesspeople, the media, and the general public
  • Offer to help in the career development of young people who pursue careers as policymakers
  • Obtain useful insights, new opinions, partners from scientists, businesspeople, the media or the general public for policymaking practice of their own
  • Develop their own careers by making use of the experience in the policymaking field
  • Listen to the voices of other scientists, policymakers, businesspeople, the media, and the general public about research and acquire useful insights, new opinions, and partners
  • Offer to help develop an understanding of scientific issues by other scientists, businesspeople, the media, and the general public
  • Offer to help in the career development of young people who pursue careers as scientists
  • Become aware of activities other than their own discipline (trans-disciplinary)
  • Become aware of activities by policymakers, businesspeople, the media, and the general public (trans-sectoral)
  • Acquire useful insights, new opinions, and partners from other scientists for a new direction in their own research
  • Develop their own careers by making use of the experience in the science field
  • Listen to the voices of other businesspeople, scientists, policymakers, the media, and the general public for their business and acquire useful insights, new opinions, and partners
  • Offer to help develop an understanding of business issues for other businesspeople, scientists, the media, and the general public
  • Offer to help in the career development of young people who pursue careers as businesspeople
  • Acquire useful insights, new opinions, and partners from other businesspeople, scientists, the media, or the general public for the business of their own
  • Develop their own careers making use of the experience in the business field
The media
  • Listen to the voices of other media, scientists, policymakers, and the general public for their activities and acquire useful insights, new opinions, and partners
  • Offer to help develop an understanding of media issues for other media, scientists, businesspeople, and the general public
  • Offer to help in the career development of young people who pursue careers in the media
  • Find topics that might be included in the reports.
  • Acquire useful insights, new opinions, partners from other media, scientists, businesspeople, or the general public for press reports
  • Develop press report careers by making use of the experience in the media field
General public
  • Listen to the voices of the general public, scientists, policymakers, businesspeople, and the media about their activities and acquire useful insights, new opinions, and partners
  • Offer to help develop an understanding of original issues related to their activities for the general public, scientists, businesspeople, and the media
  • Offer to help in the career development of young people who pursue careers in civil activities
  • Acquire useful insights, new opinions, partners from the general public, scientists, businesspeople, or the media for their civil activities
  • Develop careers by making use of the experience in the civil activities field

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