Belmont Forum



1. Objectives

The Belmont Forum is an international group of funding agencies and scientific organisations that are involved in support of global environmental change research, that aims to further accelerate and develop work in that field by mobilizing researchers and funding through international cooperation, in order to tackle the various challenges facing the sustainability of human society and to contribute to SDGs.

Belmont Forum

JST participates in the Belmont Forum as a part of its Science and Technology for Society program to promote the Future Earth initiative.

2. Implementation of the Collaborative Research Actions

Each year, the Belmont Forum conducts Collaborative Research Actions (CRA), often including a call for multi-lateral (involving contributions from 3 or more countries) research proposals, in parallel across various fields. Following joint evaluation of proposals, projects selected in joint calls are jointly funded by the participating agencies. CRAs were launched for the first time in 2012 in the research fields of "Freshwater Security" and "Coastal Vulnerability" and in 2013 CRAs were launched in the fields of "Food Security and Land-Use Change" and Forum opened joint calls for their CRA's. In 2013 "e-Infrastructure and Data Management" CRA have been also launched for considering how to handle data produced through global change researches. As part of its CRA activities for 2014, the Belmont Forum launched joint calls in the fields of "Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services" and "Arctic observing and Research for Sustainability" and in 2015 it also launched joint calls in the field of "Climate Predictability and Inter-Regional Linkage" and "Mountains as Sentinels of Change". And the more, in 2016 CRA "Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI)/ Food-Water-Energy Nexus" and in 2017 CRA "Transformations to Sustainability" it launched joint calls. So far JST participate in a number of Belmont Forum joint calls and support its selected projects.

3. Duration and Scale of Support

The period and scale of support differs according to the objectives of each CRA. Generally, projects run for 1-5 years and Japanese research teams participating in selected projects receive 7,000,000~50,000,000 JPY in total.

4. Related Workshops

Related Workshops
Oct 2013 Oslo, Norway Scoping Workshop on "Arctic"
Oct 2013 Paris, France Scoping Workshop on "Biodiversity"
Oct 2013 Goa, India Scoping Workshop on "Climate Services"

6. Currently in Cooperation

*The underlined researcher is the Consortium Leader

Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production

Period:FY2023 - FY2025

Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Co-designing justice-centric indicators and governance principles to intensify urban agriculture sustainably and equitably
KANKI Kiyoko, Professor,
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
(United States) Patrick Baur, Assistant Professor,
Department of Fisheries, Animal, and Veterinary Sciences, University of Rhode Island
(Sweden) Michael Martin, Senior Researcher,
Life Cycle Management, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
(Germany) Katrin Specht, Deputy Head of Research,
Spatial Planning and Urban Design Group,
Institute for Regional and Urban Development (ILS)
(Norway) Heidi Vinge, Associate Professor,
Faculty of Education and Arts, Nord University
(The Netherlands) Adam Calo, Assistant Professor,
Geography, Planning and Environment Group, Radboud University
Conceptualizing, implementing and measuring the Circular Economy from the micro to the macro level
MATSUMOTO Mitsutaka, Group Lead,
Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
(Germany) Antonia Loibl, Researcher,
Sustainability and Infrastructure Systems Department, Fraunhofer ISI
(Turkey) Yigit Kazancoglu, Head of Department,
Logistics Management, Yasar University
(Taiwan) Hwong-wen Ma, Professor,
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University
(Thailand) Pharino Chanathip, Professor,
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Digital infrastructure for sustainable consumption: Reorganizing food and mobility consumption (DISCo)
KISHITA Yusuke, Associate Professor,
School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
(Norway) Arne Dulsrud, Research Director,
Consumption Research Norway, Oslo Metropolitan University
(United States) Manisha Anantharaman, Associate Professor,
Earth and Environmental Science Department,
Saint Mary's College of California
(Turkey) Aykut Coskun, Assistant Professor,
Department of Media and Visual Arts, Koç University
(Sweden) Christian Fuentes, Professor,
Department of Service Studies, Lund University

Towards Sustainability of Soils & Groundwater for Society

Period:FY2021 - FY2023

Towards Sustainability of Soils & Groundwater for Society
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Biosphere and Land Use Exchanges with Groundwater and soils in Earth system Models
Hyungjun Kim, Project Associate Professor,
The University of Tokyo
(France) Agnes Ducharne, Senior Scientist,
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
(France) Pierre-Alan Jayet, Research Director,
French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment
(United States) Daniel Kramer, Professor,
Michigan State University
(United States) Yadu Pokhrel, Professor,
Michigan State University
(Taiwan) Min-Hui Lo, Associate Professor,
National Taiwan University
Abandonment and rebound:
Societal views on landscape- and land-use change and their impacts on water and soils
ONDA Yuichi, Professor, Tsukuba University
(until March 2023) SHIBATA Hideaki, Professor, Hokkaido University
(United States) Tim White, Research Professor,
Pennsylvania State University
(France) Philippe Le Coent, Researcher,
French Geological Survey (BRGM)
(Italy) Maddalena Pennisi, Senior Researcher,
National Research Council (CNR)
(Taiwan) Jr-Chuan Huang, Professor,
National Taiwan University

"Disaster Risk, Reduction and Resilience"

Period:FY2020 - FY2023 ※Support period has been extended from(FY2020-FY2022)to incorporate COVID-19 responsee

Disaster Risk, Reduction and Resilience
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Data-driven Disaster Response Systems Dependent on the Time of Day, Season and Location for Megacities
KOHTAKE Naohiko, Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University (U.S.) Upmanu Lall, Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University
(Taiwan) Chiang Yen-Sheng, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinicia
Re-Energize Governance of Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience for Sustainable Development
(Re-Energize DR3)
SHIBAYAMA Tomoya, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University (U.K.) Catalina Spataru, Associate Professor, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, University College London
(U.S.) Felix Dodds, Adjunct Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(Qatar) Muhammad Imran, Scientist, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Resilient societies through smart-city technology: Assessing earthquake risk in ultrahigh resolution
HIRATA Naoshi, Professor, Research Center for Enhancing Metropolitan Science, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) (Taiwan) Ma Kuo-Fong, Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University
(U.S.) Yousef Bozorgnia, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCLA
(Italy) Warner Marzocchi, Professor, Department of Earth, Environmental, and Resources Sciences, University of Naples Federico II
(New Zealand) Matthew Charles Gerstenberger, Principal Scientist, GNS Science
(Germany) Danijel Schorlemmer, Senior Researcher, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Transdisciplinary Research for Ocean Sustainability

Period:FY2020 - FY2024 ※Support period has been extended from (FY2020 - FY2023) to incorporate COVID-19 response

Transdisciplinary Research for Ocean Sustainability
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Evaluation, Mitigation and Adaption of Impacts of Ocean Acidification to Marine Ecosystems
KAYANE Hajime, Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo (U.S.) Andreas Andersson, Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
(France) Aline Tribollet, Chief Scientist, Sorbonne University
Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation
(COAST Card)
NADAOKA Kazuo, Professor Emeritus, Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (U.S.)William Dennison, Professor, Center for Environmental Sciences, University of Maryland
(Norway) Pal Ingebrigt Davidsen, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Bergen
(Philippines) Rhodora Azanza, Professor Emeritus, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines
(India) Dattesh Desai, Principal Scientist, National Institute of Oceanography

Science-driven e-Infrastructures Innovation

Period:FY2019 - FY2023 ※Support period has been extended from (FY2019 - FY2022) to incorporate COVID-19 response

Science-driven e-Infrastructures Innovation
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Building new tools for data sharing and re-use through a transnational investigation of the socio-economic impacts of protected areas (PARSEC) MURAYAMA Yasuhiro, Research Executive Director, Strategic Program Produce Office, Social Innovation Unit, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (France) Alison Specht, Director, Center for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB), Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversite
(U.S.) Shelley Stall, Director, Data Programs, American Geophysical Union
(Brazil)Pedro Pizzigatti Correa, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Digital Systems, University of Sao Paulo

7. Finished Projects

Science-driven e-Infrastructures Innovation

Period:FY2019 - FY2022

Science-driven e-Infrastructures Innovation
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
World Wide Web of Plankton Image Curation (WWW.PIC) Dhugal John Lindsay, Senior Staff Scientist, Environmental Impact Assessment Research Group, Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) (France)Jean-Olivier Irisson, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Oceanography in Villefranche, Sorbonne University
(U.S.) Robert K. Cowen, Professor, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University
(Brazil)Nina S. T. Hirata, Associate Professor, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sao Paulo

Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems

Period:FY2020 - FY2022

Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Hydrology, Permafrost and Resilience in Eastern Russian Arctic and Subarctic
HIYAMA Tetsuya, Professor, Institute for SpaceEarth Environmental Research, Nagoya University (Sweden) David Gustafson, Senior Researcher, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
(Russia) Liudmila Lebedeva, Research Scientist, Melnikov Permafrost Institute

Transformations to Sustainability

Period:2018.12 - 2022.11 ※Support period has been extended from (2018.12 - 2021.11) to incorporate COVID-19 response

Transformations to Sustainability
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Transformation as Praxis: Exploring Socially Just and Transdisciplinary Pathways to Sustainability in Marginal Environments (TAPESTRY) OHTE Nobuhito, Professor, Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University (U.K.) Lyla Mehta, Professor, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex
(Norway) Synne Movik, Associate Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
(India) Devanathan Parthasarathy, Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology

Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative: Food-Water-Energy Nexus

Period:FY2018 - FY2020

Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative: Food-Water-Energy Nexus
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Intelligent Urban Metabolic Systems for Green Cities of Tomorrow: an FWE Nexus-based Approach (METABOLIC) TANIGUCHI Makoto, Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) (Chinese Taipei) Fi-John Chang, Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University
(U.S.) Luis F. Rodriguez, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Brazil) Jose Vicente Caixeta Filho, Professor, University of Sao Paulo

Period:FY2018 - FY2021 ※Support period has been extended from (FY2018-FY2020) to incorporate COVID-19 response

The Movable Nexus: Design-led urban food, water and energy management innovation in new boundary conditions of change (M-NEX) Wanglin Yan, Professor, Keio University (Qatar) Anna Grichting, Assistant Professor, Qatar University
(U.S.) Geoffrey Thun, University of Michigan, Associate Professor
(The Netherlands) Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Professor, Delft University of Technology
(U.K.) Greg Keeffe, Professor, Queens University
(Japan) Bijon Kumar Mitra, Senior Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
(U.K.) Kevin Logan, Associate Director, Maccreanor Lavington

Climate Predictability and Inter-Regional Linkages

Period:FY2016 - FY2020

Climate Predictability and Inter-Regional Linkages
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
The potential of seasonal-to-decadal-scale inter-regional linkages to advance climate predictions (InterDec) NAKAMURA Hisashi, RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Vice Director/Professor
(Other Japanese member : UKITA Jinro, Department of Environmental Science, Niigata University, Professor)
(Germany) Danieta Matei, Scientific Researcher, Ocean in the Earth System, Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie
(Norway) Noel Keenlyside, Professor, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen
(Sweden) Torben Koenigk, Research Leader, Rossby Centre, Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institute
(U.K.) Frederic Vitart, Principal Scientist, European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts
(China) Tao Wang, Associate Professor, Nansen-Zhu Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science

Period:FY2016 - FY2019

Globally Observed Teleconnections and their role and representation in Hierarchies of Atmospheric Models (GOTHAM) WATANABE Shingo, Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Director (U.K.) Lesley Gray, University of Oxford and National Center for Atmospheric Science, Professor
(China) Bo Wu, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Associate Researcher
(France) Francois Lott, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
(Germany) Dim Coumou, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Senior Scientist
(India) Krishnan Raghavan, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Executive Director

Arctic Observing and Research for Sustainability (Type2)

Period:FY2015 - FY2018

Arctic Observing and Research for Sustainability (Type2)
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Resilience and adaptive capacity of arctic marine systems under a changing climate (RACArctic) SAITOH Sei-Ichi, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Professor
HARADA Naomi, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Research and Development (R&D) Center for Global Change, Deputy Director
KIKUCHI Takashi, Japan Agency for Marine Earth-Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Arctic Ocean and Climate System Research Group, Group Leader
HIRAWAKE Toru, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Associate professor
WATANUKI Yutaka, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences Professor
MAKINO Mitsutaku, Fisheries Research Agency, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Group Head
TAKAKURA Hiroki, Tohoku University, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Professor
(U.S.) Franz Mueter, University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Associate Professor of Fisheries
(U.S.) George Hunt, University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Research Professor
(U.S.) Henry Huntington, Huntington Consulting
(U.S.) Mike Sigler, Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Marine Biologist
(U.S.) Alan Haynie, Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, Economist
(Norway) Kenneth Drinkwater, Institute of Marine Research Senior Research Scientist
(Norway) Alf Hakon Hoel, Institute of Marine Research, Tromso Branch, Regional Director
(Norway) Randi Ingvaklsen, Institute of Marine Research Senior Research Scientist
(Norway) Melissa Chierici, Institute of Marine Research and Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard, Senior Research Scientist
(Norway) Benjamin Planque, Institute of Marine Research, Tromso Senior scientist
(Norway) Jan Erik Stianser, Institute of Marine Research Oceanography and Climate Group, Leader
(Norway) Arne Eide, University of Tromso, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Professor

Arctic Observing and Research for Sustainability (Type3)

Period:FY2015 - FY2019

Arctic Observing and Research for Sustainability (Type3)
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
C budget of ecosystems and cities and villages on permafrost in eastern Russian Arctic (COPERA) SUGIMOTO Atsuko, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Professor
TABATA Shinichiro, Hokkaido University, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Director, Professor
SUZUKI Rikie, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Department of Environmental Geochemical Cycle Research, Director
OHTA Takeshi, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Professor
(Russia) Mikhail Prisyazhny, North-Eastern Federal University Vice Rrector for Natural and Mathematical Development, Associate professor
(Russia) Tuyara Gavrilyeva, North-Eastern Federal University Institute of Engineering & Technology Research, Professor
(Russia) Trofim Maximov, Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, SBRAS, Head of laboratory / North-Eastern Federal University, BEST center, Director Professor
(U.S.) YOSHIKAWA Kenji, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center, Professor

"Food Security and Land Use Change" (Type2)

Period:FY2014 - FY2017

"Food Security and Land Use Change" (Type2)
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Food Security Impacts of Industrial Crop Expansion in Sub-Sahara Africa (FICESSA) Alexandros Gasparatos, Associate Professor, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), University of Tokyo
TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko, Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University
(U.K.) Anna Locke, Director, Agricultural Development and Policy Programme, Overseas Development Institute
(U.K.) Katherine J. Willis, Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, U.K.
(South Africa) Graham von Maltitz, Senior Researcher, Natural Resources and the Environment (NRE), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Period:FY2015 - FY2016

Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Project Title Overseas Research Teams Research Project Abstract Japanese Research Team Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Scenarios Network (ScenNet) SAITO Osamu, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) Academic Programme Officer and University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Visiting Associate Professor (France) Sandra Lavorel, CNRS Laboratory of Alpine Ecology, Director of Research
(France) Wilfred Thuiller, CNRS Laboratory of Alpine Ecology, Senior Research Scientist
(France) Paul Ledley, University of Paris-Sud, Laboratory of Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, Professor
(France) Philippe Cury, Montpellier 2 University, Center for Mediterranean and Tropical Fisheries Research, Research Director
(France) Wolfgang Cramer, Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology, Director of Research
(China) Mingchang Cao, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Reserve and Biodiversity Conservation, Assistant Professor
(Norway) John-Arvid Grytnes, University of Bergen, Department of Biology, Professor
(Brazil) Jean Paul Metzger, University of Sao Paulo, Institute of Biosciences, Department of Ecology, Professor
(South Africa) Guy Franklin Midgley, Stellenbosch University, Department of Botany and Zoology, Professor
(India) Karachepone Ninan, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources, Professor
(Germany) Katrin Boehning-Gaese, Goethe University Frankfurt, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity, Professor
(Australia) Simon Ferrier, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Ecosystem and Biodiversity Knowledge and Systems Program, Senior Principal Research Scientist
(Australia) Brendan Wintle, University of Melbourne, School of Botany, Associate Professor
(U.S.) Walter Jetz, Yale University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Associate Professor
Trans-system, unified approach for global and regional integration of social-ecological study toward sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services (TSUNAGARI) NAKAOKA Masahiro, Hokkaido University, Field Science Center for Northern Bioshpere, Professor
ISHIKAWA Satoshi, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Associate Professor
MAKINO Mitsutaku, Fisheries Research Agency, Fisheries Management Group Head
YAMANO Hiroya, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, Section Head
KANEMOTO Keiichiro, Kyushu University, Institute of Decision Science for a Sustainable Society, Lecturer/Assistant professor
(China) Xiubo Yu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Professor
(China) Xiyong Hou, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Professor
(Australia) Jon Brodie, James Cook University, Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research, Senior Principal Research Scientist
(Australia) Manfred Lenzen, The University of Sydney, School of Physics, Professor
(Norway) Edgar Hertwich, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Professor

"Food Security and Land Use Change" (Type1)

Period:FY2014 - FY2015

"Food Security and Land Use Change" (Type1)
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
Sustainable Management of Agro-ecological Resources for Tribal Societies 2 (SMARTS2) MASUDA Tadayoshi, Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (U.S.) Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, Professor and Chair, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Hawaii
(Indian) Pravat Kumar Roul, Director, Directorate of Polytechnic, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
(The Netherlands) Wim Van der Putten, Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University
(U.S.) Steven Gray, Assistant Professor, School for the Environment, University of Massachusetts

*Affiliations written above are at the time of selection

8. Others

Calls for Proposals
Month/YearResearch AreasPress Release
June 2018 Towards a Sustainable Earth(TaSE) Detail

Towards a Sustainable Earth(TaSE)

Period: FY2019.2-2022.9 ※Support period has extended from (FY2019.2 - FY2021.3) to incorporate COVID-19 response

Towards a Sustainable Earth(TaSE))
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in the Overseas
River basins as 'living laboratories' for achieving sustainable development goals across national and sub-national scales
Xin Zhou, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
(UK) Fabrice Renaud, University of Glasgow
(China) Suiliang Huang, Nankai University

Period:FY2019.4 - 2022.3 ※Support period has extended from (FY2019.4 - FY2021.3) to incorporate COVID-19 response

Opportunities for Climate Mitigation and Sustainable Development (OPTIMISM)
Miguel Esteban, Waseda University
(UK) Raphael Slade, Imperial College London
(India) Darshini Mahadevia‬, Ahmedabad University
(Sweden) Lars J. Nilsson, Lund University

Period:FY2019.4-FY2021.9 ※Support period has extended from (FY2019.4 - FY2021.3) to incorporate COVID-19 response

A Systems Approach to Sustainable Sanitation Challenges in Urbanising China (SASSI)
Alexandros Gasparatos, University of Tokyo
(UK) Deljana Iossifova, The University of Manchester
(China) Fubo Luan, Tongji University

Period:FY2019.5 - FY2022.5 ※Support period has extended from (FY2019.5 - FY2021.3) to incorporate COVID-19 response

Pathways Of Dispersal for Cholera And Solution Tools (PODCAST)
Masami Nonaka, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology
(UK) Marie-Fanny Racault, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
(India) Anas Abdulaziz, National Institute of Oceanography