JST Top > Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development > Projects >

Establishment of Environmentally Sound Management of Construction and Demolition Waste and Its Wise Utilization for Environmental Pollution Control and for New Recycled Construction Materials

Environment / Energy (Global-scale environmental issues)

Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Establishment of Environmentally Sound Management of Construction and Demolition Waste and Its Wise Utilization for Environmental Pollution Control and for New Recycled Construction Materials

Recycle 50% of construction and demolition waste

  • SDGs11
  • SDGs06
  • SDGs09

Principal Investigator

    • Prof.
      KAWAMOTO Ken

      Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University
    • researchmap
    • Dr.
      Nguyen Hoang Giang

      Vice Rector, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

ODA Recipient Country

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Research Institutions in Japan

Saitama University / Center for Environmental Science in Saitama / National Institute for Environmental Studies

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE) / Ministry of Construction (MOC) / Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and environment (ISPONRE) / Hanoi University of Science and Technology(HUST) / Hanoi Department of Construction (Hanoi DOC) / Quang Ninh Province Department of Construction (Quang Ninh Province DOC)

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2017

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Sound management and recycling of construction and demolition waste, and development of new technology
The volume of construction and demolition waste (CDW) produced from urban development is rapidly increasing in Asian countries including Vietnam. This project will promote sound management and recycling of construction waste in Vietnam by establishment of guidelines for treatment of construction waste and standard of quality for recycled materials, and development of technologies for using the materials (water purification and permeable subbase). We will propose a strategic business model to boost recycling and review its effectiveness with a local pilot program.

A resource circulation system that can realize Vietnam’s national strategy
Vietnam’s national strategy goal for 2025 is to recycle 50% of CDW. We aim to contribute by building a platform for a resource circulation system for sound management and recycling of CDW in Hanoi, and through business application of the new technologies and business models.

Photo gallery

Demolition site in Hanoi

Demolition site in Hanoi

Construction and demolition waste management facility in Hanoi

Construction and demolition waste management facility in Hanoi

Water quality survey at solid waste management center in Hanoi

Water quality survey at solid waste management center in Hanoi

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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