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Development and Social Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Technologies in Paddy Fields of West Tonle Sap Lake by Establishing a Large Paddy Area Water Management System

Environment / Energy (Carbon Neutrality)

Kingdom of Cambodia

Development and Social Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Technologies in Paddy Fields of West Tonle Sap Lake by Establishing a Large Paddy Area Water Management System

Using water management to reduce methane emissions from rice paddies!

  • SDGs13
  • SDGs06
  • SDGs17

Principal Investigator

    • Project Leader
      IZUMI Taro

      Rural Development Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
    • researchmap
    • Acting Head of Department
      Mr. Thav Sopheak

      Faculty of Forestry Science, Royal University of Agriculture

ODA Recipient Country

Kingdom of Cambodia

Research Institutions in Japan

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences / National Agriculture and Food Research Organization / Tokyo Gakugei University / Tokyo University of Agriculture / Hokkaido University / Kyushu University

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Royal University of Agriculture / Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2023

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Development of a water management system to reduce methane emissions from rice paddies over a large area

In the Asia-Monsoon region, which includes Cambodia, methane emitted from rice paddies is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is known that methane emissions from paddy fields can be reduced by introducing intermittent irrigation, such as alternate wetting and drying (AWD), but little verification has been conducted over large areas of paddy fields. This project will develop and socially implement a large area water management method that reduces methane emissions without reducing rice paddy yields, and a method for monitoring and evaluating GHG reductions.

Establishment of efficient water management, MRV, and methods to create incentives for farmers

The project will develop efficient water management methods from the watershed to the field level to implement intermittent irrigation over a large area, methods to measure, report, and verify (MRV) reductions in methane emissions, and methods to create incentives for farmers by utilizing carbon credits such as the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) promoted by the Japanese government.

Photo gallery


Interviewing farmers


Sampling of paddy field methane emissions using the chamber method


Rice paddies at the model site


Drone photograph of paddy fields at the model site


The official logo for RiceGX-SATREPS projecte

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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