For the Earth,
For the Next GenerationSATREPS is a JST and JICA program for research projects targeting global issues and
involving partnerships between researchers in Japan and developing countries

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Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development(SATREPS)

Invitation for Research Proposals

FY2025 SATREPS - Invitation for Research Proposals -

  • Application Period for Research Proposals

    Late August to Late October 2024 (tentative)

  • Research Fields and Areas

    Environment and Energy / Bioresources / Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

  • Research Period

    3 to 5 years

Please click here to see the SATREPS application and selection process.

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  • For Researchers
  • This content is for researchers considering making an application, and those that have already started contract research.
  • This content is for people who would like to find out about SATREPS or the content of international joint research.
  • For Public

News / Announcements

  • 2023:10:11:11:14:59News
  • 2024:06:14:14:43:24Call for Proposal
  • 2024:04:18:10:02:25Press
  • 2023:10:25:14:56:22Topics
  • June 14, 2024

    The SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development program) FY2025 application process will be conducted as set out below.
    Application Period for Research Proposals:Late August to Late October 2024 (tentative)
    Please see FY2025 SATREPS - Invitation for Research Proposals - for the details.

  • April 18, 2024

    10 new SATREPS Projects for FY2024 were provisionally selected in three research areas - Environment/Energy, Bioresources, and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation.
    New SATREPS Projects

  • October 23, 2023

    The application for FY2024 SATREPS Research Proposals was closed on Oct. 23, 2023 at 12:00 noon (Japan Time).



Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development

SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research between Japan and developing countries aimed at resolving global issues. The program is structured as a collaboration between the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) or the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

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  • Download LeafletDownload Leaflet
  • SATREPS Materials and PublicationsSATREPS Materials and Publications
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