Research Directors, Research Projects

HOME Research Directors, Research Projects Adopted FY2012 : Masahiro Yamashita

Masahiro Yamashita | Professor, Tohoku University

Research Projects

Creation of Quantum Molecular Spintronics
Based on Single- Molecule Magnets
by Using Molecular Technology

Research Project Outline

Although classical magnets or bulk magnets composed of magnetic metals or transition metal oxides are currently used in electronics and spintronics, we propose to use single-molecule magnets, which are the new nano-magnets of the 21st century. Single-molecule magnets have the potential to show more interesting magnetic properties and functionalities compared with those of classical magnets because their properties can be manipulated by using molecular technology. Our goal is to realize the new research field "Quantum Molecular Spintronics Based on Single-Molecule Magnets" by using molecular technology.


STM Image of Single-Molecule Quantum Magnet (TbPc2)

Research Director

Masahiro Yamashita
Professor, Tohoku University Web Site

Main Research Collaborators

Tadahiro Komeda
Professor, Tohoku University
Yasutaka Kitagawa
Assistant Professor, Osaka University
Masashi Shiraishi
Professor, Osaka University

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