MEXT - Quantum Leap Flagship Program(MEXT Q-LEAP)

What’s new


MEXT Q-LEAP is the R&D program to achieve quantum leaps in economical and societal goals by taking advantage of quantum technology. The research and development is under the management of program directors (PD). A network-type research base is formulated for each of the following three technological areas; in addition to a flagship project and basic foundation research being conducted for each of the technological areas.
① Quantum information technology (Quantum simulator, Quantum computer)
② Quantum metrology & sensing
③ Next generation laser
MEXT Q-LEAP has also set up the ④Human Resources Development Program to enhance the development of human resources who will lead the next generation of quantum technology, and will promote the development of common education programs.



Operating Structure

In order to steadily promote Q-LEAP, a governing board composed of external experts has been set up at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Moreover, PDs designated by MEXT conduct general management of research and development as the person responsible for the total management of the assigned technological area. Furthermore, in order to receive advice and support on the research and development management activities of the assigned technological area of PDs, advisory boards composed of external experts are set up for each of technological areas

Governing Board Members

President, RIKEN
SAKAKI Hiroyuki
Chairperson, Nara National Institute of Higher Education and Research
Corporate Executive Officer, EVP, Head of Fujitsu Research, Fujitsu Limited
 NUMAGAMI Tsuyoshi
Professor, Institute for Business and Finance, Waseda University
 KOYASU Shigeo
President, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)

 Acting Manager

PD (Program Directors), Advisors

Technological Area : Quantum information technology (Quantum simulator, Quantum computer)
 ITOH Kohei (President, Keio University)
Technological Area : Quantum metrology & sensing
 ARAKAWA Yasuhiko (Specially Appointed Professor, Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo / Research Supervisor, Creation of an innovative quantum technology platform based on the advanced control of quantum states (JST/CREST)) 
Technological Area : Next generation laser
 KONDO Kiminori(Director, Department of Quantum Applied Photonics, Kansai Institute for Photon Science, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST))
Technological Area :Human resources development program
 ITOH Kohei (President, Keio University)

Click here (Link) for the list of advisory board members
(The advisory boards have been set up at the MEXT)


Technological Area :  Quantum information technology (Quantum simulator, Quantum computer)

【Flagship Project】 2items

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Research and Development of Superconducting Quantum Computers NAKAMURA Yasunobu Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN Team Leader
Development of quantum software by intelligent quantum system design and its applications FUJII Keisuke Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology(QIQB), Osaka Univ. Deputy Director, Professor

【Basic Foundation Research】 6items

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Development of cold-atom based quantum simulators by optical control with precisions on the attosecond temporal and nanometer spatial scales and their applications to quantum computing OHMORI Kenji Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences Professor and Department Chair
Multi-degree-of-freedom complex quantum simulator using cooled ions TOYODA Kenji Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Architecture and applications for small to large scale quantum computation NEMOTO Kae Principles of Informatics Research Division, National Institute of Informatics Professor
Development of quantum software applications by fast classical simulator of quantum computers FUJII Keisuke Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University Professor
Large scale integration of silicon qubits to realize quantum computer MORI Takahiro Nanoelectronics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Senior Researcher
Quantum software YAMAMOTO Naoki Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University Professor

(Representative researchers are listed according to Japanese alphabetical order)

Click here (Link) for the list of materials on the overview of Quantum information technology

Technological Area : Quantum metrology & sensing

【Flagship Project】 2items

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Development of innovative sensor systems by highly sophisticated control of solid quantum sensors HATANO Mutsuko School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor
Innovations Medicine and Life Sciences through the Application of Quantum Technology BABA Yoshinobu Institute for Quantum Life Science (iQLS), National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) Director General

【Basic Foundation Research】 7items

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Establishment of earthquake early alert methods using high-sensitivity gravity gradiometer ANDO Masaki Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo Associate Professor
Development of photon-number-resolving quantum nano-photonics EDAMATSU Keiichi Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University Professor
Development of quantum atomic magnetometer with dual quantum noise squeezing SHIBATA Kosuke Physics Division, Department of Science, Gakushuin University Assistant Professor
Development of Spectroscopic techniques based on cutting-edge quantum optics toward elucidating functions of complex molecular systems SHIMIZU Ryosuke Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications Associate Professor
Research on quantum sensing devices using quantum entangled photons TAKEUCHI Shigeki Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Professor
Material science of complex defects for highly-sensitive quantum sensors TERAJI Tokuyuki Research Center for Functional Materials, National Institute for Materials Science Chief Researcher
Development of next generation high-performance inertial quantum sensors NAKAGAWA Ken'ichi Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications Professor

(Representative researchers are listed according to Japanese alphabetical order)

Click here (Link) for the list of materials on the overview of Quantum metrology & sensing

Technological Area : Next generation laser

【Flagship Project】 1item

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Advanced Laser Innovation Center (ALICe) FUJII Teruo
(Acting:Professor ISHIKAWA Kenichi)
The University of Tokyo Executive Director / Vice President

【Basic Foundation Research】 4items

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Development of attosecond light functions of strongly correlated quantum materials IWAI Shinichiro Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University Professor
Developing guidelines on materials strengthening and toughening based on mechanism of atomic scale damaging under ultrashort pulsed laser processing SANO Tomokazu Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University Associate Professor
Operando measurements using advanced beams to study the mechanism of fine structure formation HASHIDA Masaki Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Associate Professor
Research on basic technologies for a high-repetition attosecond pulse source driven by a free electron laser HAJIMA Ryoichi National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology-Quantum Beam Science Research Division Senior Principal Researcher

(Representative researchers are listed according to Japanese alphabetical order)

Click here (Link) for the list of materials on the overview of Next generation laser

Technological Area : Human resources development program

【Common core program】 1item

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Development of the Standard Program for Quantum Science and Technology NEMOTO Kae Principles of Informatics Research Division, National Institute of Informatics Professor

【Original subprogram】 3items

Project NameProject LeaderInstitutePosition
Fostering Quantum Natives through Practical Research and Development OHZEKI Masayuki Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku Universityy Associate Professor
Quantum Education for future technologies NOGUCHI Atsushi Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo Associate Professor
A hands-on program for fostering quantum-based thinkers among emerging engineers in various disciplines KISHIMOTO Tetsuo Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications Associate Professor

Click here (Link) for the list of materials on the overview of Human resources development

All affiliations and job titles are those at the time of adoption. For the latest version, please refer to each technical area HP.

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