※ Affiliations and titles are as of the end of the research activity.
Strategic Objective
Development of new material properties and frontier of information sciences based on the advanced control of quantum states
Research Supervisor

Kohei Itoh (Professor & President, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Keio University)
This research area promotes ingenious, ambitious research that expands investigative frontiers to facilitate the control and functionalization of quantum phenomena, rather than simple observation. By explaining the nature of the quantum phenomena behind the existence and behavior of various atoms, molecules, materials, nano structures, electromagnetic waves, along with the organisms and systems in which these objects interact, and by challenging existing knowledge on the manipulation, control, and measurement of quantum states, this research area will contribute significantly to the creation of novel concepts, innovations, and technology. These seeds will be developed into innovative information processing, measurement, standardization, communication network, and power-saving technology in the future, along with associated applications. Further, this research area aims to produce junior researchers who can lead future quantum physics research and its application on an international level, by exploiting their high-level insight and capabilities based on theoretical development, experimental techniques and calculation techniques.
More specifically, this research area promotes research into a wide range of topics, not only related to quantum physics, information science, chemistry, engineering, and biology, but also having connections with mathematical science, material science, and nano structure science. Thus, this research area works to construct a platform for accelerating cooperation and collaboration between researches in these dissimilar fields.
Research Area Advisors
・Yasuhiko Arakawa
Specially Appointed Professor, Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo
・Tetsuo Ogawa
Professor, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
・Mikio Kozuma
Professor, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Science
・Kensuke Kobayashi
Professor, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
・Yoshiro Takahashi
Professor, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences(also Graduate School of Science), Kyoto University
・Seiichiro Tani
Distinguished Researcher, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
・Yasunobu Nakamura
Professor, The University of Tokyo/Director, RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing
・Hideki Hashimoto
Professor, School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University
・Akira Fujiwara
Senior Distinguished Scientist, Basic Research Laboratories, NTT
・Hazuki Furukawa
Full professor, Faculty of Core Research Natural Science Division, Ochanomizu University
・Shinichi Yorozu
Deputy Director, Center for Quantum Computing, RIKEN
Research Projects
- Year Started:2016
- Year Started:2017
- Year Started:2018