
8-9 May 2018STI for SDGs Roadmaps - Expert Group Meeting
International Workshop
Conference Room "Mars", Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan
  • Summary and report of the meeting(PDF:455KB)
  • Day One - 8 May 2018
    9:15-9:30 Welcome coffee

    MC: Mr. Hirotaka Yamada, Manager, Office of STI for SDGs, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

    10:00-10:15 Group photo
    Session 1: Introduction to the STI Roadmaps for the SDGs

    This session will take stock of the STI Forum discussions so far on STI Roadmaps for the SDGs; introduce a possible framework on common elements and approaches; provide an overview analysis of the submitted questionnaire responses from presenting countries; and reflect on early experiences of STI Roadmaps for the SDGs.

    Moderator: Prof. Tateo Arimoto, Principal Fellow, Japan Science and Technology Agency (PDF:171KB)

    Guiding questions:

    • Why do we care about STI Roadmaps for the SDGs?
    • How do STI Roadmaps for the SDGs look like? What are their possible common elements?
    • What are challenges and lessons from formulating and implementing STI Roadmaps for the SDGs in line with national development plans, and possible recommendations to countries to maximize STI contribution to accelerate progress toward the SDGs?
    11:45-13:15 Lunch Break
    Session 2: Countries’ Visions and Practices: Foundation

    This session will illustrate countries’ STI policy frameworks, action plans and strategies as foundational enabling conditions to build on to formulate STI Roadmaps addressing opportunities and challenges to achieve all the SDGs, and learn from current state of thinking and planning to extend such foundational frameworks toward the SDGs.

    Moderator: Mr. Ernesto Fernandez Polcuch, Chief of Section, Science Policy and Partnerships, UNESCO

    Guiding questions:

    • What key elements constitutes countries’ strategy, policy framework and implementation arrangements related to science, technology and innovation?
    • To inform, formulate and strengthen the current STI policy framework, what analytical, diagnostic or benchmarking exercises, policy reviews, and/or financial and technical support can contribute?
    • To formulate and implement STI policy framework, how domestic stakeholder groups can best be consulted, in which fora?
    Session 3: Countries’ Visions and Practices: Adaptation

    This session will illustrate how countries are anticipating rapid technological changes and their domestic and international socioeconomic implications, and discuss visions, strategies and policy mix to maximize benefits and minimize risks of technologies to growth and competitiveness, human welfare, environmental sustainability, stability and security, by building skills, renewing institutional capabilities, strengthening societal resilience and smoothing transitions.

    Moderator: Mr. Naoto Kanehira, Senior Private Sector Specialist, World Bank

    Guiding questions:

    • What visions, strategies and/or sets of policy responses do countries have, to lead on, adapt to, and/or leapfrog with, rapid technological changes?
    • What trend analysis, foresights, scenario exercise, consultations or roundtables to consider policy implications of emerging technologies can usefully inform policy responses?
    16:00-16:15 Coffee break
    Session 4: Countries’ Visions and Practices: Integration

    This session will illustrate national strategies to achieve the SDGs, both by addressing individual Goals/Targets as well as identifying and prioritizing pathways to address trade-offs and maximize synergies, and discuss STI both as science-policy interface to provide evidence-based policy advice and as policy response through STI Roadmaps as integrated elements of national sustainable development plans.

    Moderator: Mr. Satoru Ohtake, Adjunct Fellow, CRDS, Japan Science and Technology Agency (PDF:403KB)

    Guiding questions:

    • What sector-/domain-specific strategies or plans do countries have to advance and/or utilize STI, such as to strengthen scientific research, promote technology development, regulations or technical standards for adoption or diffusion?
    • What integrated assessments of countries’ status against the SDGs, inter-linkages analysis of country-level Goals and Targets can help find desirable pathways and formulate policies to resolve trade-offs and maximize synergies using STI? How should scientific information be shared and incorporated into durable action plans implemented by multi-stakeholders?
    • What is countries’ state of deliberation and policy formulation to position economy-wide STI policy framework as well as sectoral STI strategies to contribute to plans, strategies and priorities to achieve the SDGs and leave no one behind?
    Day Two - 9 May 2018
    Session 5: Re-cap of Emerging Messages and Discussion Questions from Day 1 (PDF:3.4MB)

    This session will collect participants’ reflection on the first half of the meeting, summarize the discussions so far, and examine emerging messages to inform recommendations to the STI Forum 2018 as well as identify key questions requiring further discussions and analysis, through the successive sessions as well as in the Background Paper.


    • Mr. Shantanu Mukherjee, Chief, Policy and Analysis Branch, Division for Sustainable Development, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
    • Prof. Tateo Arimoto, Principal Fellow, Japan Science and Technology Agency

    Guiding questions:

    • What key messages and recommendations on STI Roadmaps are emerging from the EGM discussions?
    • What key discussion questions do the participants want to be addressed through the remaining sessions of the EGM?
    • What knowledge gaps need to be filled to further advance the discussions on STI Roadmaps for the SDGs?
    10:15-10:30 Coffee Break
    Session 6: Leaving No One Behind – facilitating STI roadmaps at national and sub-national levels and addressing the needs of the most vulnerable

    This session will illustrate how countries are coordinating national and sub-national plans and strategies to achieve the SDGs including through using STI, with a view to harness urban centers as vibrant innovation ecosystems while effectively benefitting from indigenous knowledge, targeting the rural poor or vulnerable to assure no one is left behind.

    Moderator: Dr. Akira Yabe, Director General, Renewable Energy Unit, Energy System & Hydrogen Unit, Technology Strategy Center (TSC), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Japan(PDF:6.0MB)

    Guiding questions:

    • What approaches are effective in aligning and coordinating national and subnational efforts on STI for the SDGs?
    • What knowledge gaps and challenges need to be addressed in harnessing STI to address the needs of the most vulnerable and leave no one behind?
    12:00-13:15 Lunch break
    Session 7: Plans to Impact – coordination, data/indicators, accountability and results frameworks, and spending efficiency and effectiveness

    This session will illustrate how countries are instituting evidence-based mechanisms to link STI plans to national development challenges, define and track progress, and discuss what data, indicators and approaches are available to evaluate what is working and what is not and foster feedback loops and real learning environment.

    Moderator: Mr. Paulo Correa, Practice Manager, World Bank (PDF:266KB)

    Guiding questions:

    • What monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place, and how can efficiency and effectiveness of use of STI to accelerate achievement of the SDGs be maximized?
    Session 8: Collective action – multilateral and international support to STI policy capacity, addressing countries’ needs and gaps and maximizing complementarities

    This session will illustrate how countries utilize STI for global efforts to achieve the SDGs, and discuss possible ways to identify and address countries STI needs and gaps and maximize complementarities among bilateral and multilateral STI programs including on capacity building.

    Moderator: Mr. Kiyoshi Adachi, Legal Officer, Intellectual Property Unit, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD (PDF:97KB)

    Guiding questions:

    • How can we advance international consensus and forge international partnerships, and what can countries contribute to advance international partnerships on STI Roadmaps for the SDGs?
    15:45-16:00 Coffee break
    Session 9: Wrap-up and Step Forward

    This session will collect perspectives, develop recommendations to the STI Forum 2018, and define concrete steps over the next years to advance a global work program to forge partnerships among developed and developing countries, UN System and other stakeholders to formulate and strengthen STI Roadmaps at national and global levels to accelerate progress toward all countries achievement of all the SDGs.

    Moderator: Mr. Klaus Tilmes, Senior Adviser to the President on Science, Technology and Innovation, World Bank

    • Dr. Bill Colglazier, co-chair of the 10-Member Group 2016/17, Senior Scholar, Center for Science Diplomacy, AAAS
    • Dr. Paulo Gadelha, 10-Member Group 2016/17, Coordinator of 2030 Agenda, Fiocruz, Brazil
    • Dr. Michiharu Nakamura, Former President and Advisor, Japan Science and Technology Agency

    Guiding questions:

    • What outcomes should STI Forum produce at STI Roadmaps session?
    • What conclusions should Background Paper produce? What contributions can the participants make?

    What collective actions do we recommend through 2018-2019 milestones?

    17:00-17:05 Concluding remarks
    • Dr. Michinari Hamaguchi, President, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan