


1. Field of cooperation


Program Officer

"Environmental Science and Technologies and Energy" (concluded in 2017)

Program Officer

"Epigenetics of Stem Cells" ※This research area was transferred to AMED from 2015.

Program Officer

2. Funding Agency of Canada Side


National Research Council Canada (NRC)

"Environmental Science and Technologies and Energy"

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

"Epigenetics of Stem Cells"

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

3. Related Workshops

Related Workshops
Oct 2013 Tokyo JST-NSERC Workshop on "Sustainable Water Use"

4. Calls for Proposals

Calls for Proposals
Month/YearResearch AreasPress Release
Oct 2022 AI-based solutions for Well Being, Better Living Environments, and Social Connection for Aging Populations Detail
Jan 2014 Sustainable Water Use Detail
May 2012 Epigenetics of Stem Cells Detail

5. Currently in Cooperation

AI-based solutions for Well Being, Better Living Environments, and Social Connection for Aging Populations

Period:FY2023 - FY2026

AI-based solutions for Well Being, Better Living Environments, and Social Connection for Aging Populations
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in Canada
FureAI:An Implementation of an Elders' Living Support System based on Social Conversational Agents and Smart Activity Monitoring
[Academia] ITO Takayuki, Professor, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
[Industry] KUWAHARA Hideto, President, AGREEBIT, Inc.
[Academia] Shichao LIU, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Carleton University
[Industry] Alan RUTH, President, GRTHealth Inc.
[NRC] Chungheng YANG, Principal Research Scientist, Digital Technologies Research Center
Development of Digital Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment at Home to Support Advanced Telemedicine
[Academia] EBIHARA Satoru, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University
[Industry] SAKAI Fuminori, President, Sakura Tech Corp.
[Academia] Shannon FREEMAN, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of North British Columbia
[Industry] Jordan SCHLEY, CEO, Care2Talk
[NRC] Helene FOURNIER, Research Officer, Digital Technologies Research Center
Intelligent Assistive Robots for Caregiving
[Academia] YOSHIDA Eiichi, Professor, Faculty of Advanced Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
[Industry] KAWASUMI Yuichiro, Manager, Core Platform Laboratory, Kawada Technologies, Inc.
[Academia] Yue HU, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, University of Waterloo
[Industry] Mojtaba AHMADI, CEO, MAE Robotics Inc.
[NRC] Pengcheng XI, Senior Research Scientist, Digital Technologies Research Center

6. Finished Projects

Sustainable Water Use

Period:FY2014 - FY2017

Sustainable Water Use
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in Canada
Innovative UV Technologies for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants and Sustainable Water Supplies in Small Communities OGUMA Kumiko, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo Madjid Mohseni, Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The University of British Columbia

Epigenetics of Stem Cells

Period:FY2013 - FY2017

※The 3 projects were transferred to AMED from 2015.

Epigenetics of Stem Cells
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in Canada
Epigenetics and stemness in human hematopoiesis and leukemia: a new generation of stem cell targeted regenerative and leukemia therapeutics NAKAUCHI Hiromitsu, Professor and Director, Center for StemCell Biology and RegenerativeMedicine, Institute ofMedical Science, University of Tokyo John E. Dick, Senior Scientist, Canada Research Chair in Stem Cell Biology, Ontario Cancer Institute
Genetic and epigenetic hierarchies distinguishing pluripotent and trophoblast stem cells NIWA Hitoshi, Laboratory Head / Project Leader, Laboratory for Pluripotent Cell Studies, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology Janet Rossant, Senior Scientist, Developmental & Stem Cell Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children
Directing Cellular Identity to Move Towards Progenitor Cell Therapies YAMADA Yasuhiro, Professor, Center for iPS cell Research and Application (CiRA), Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University Andras Nagy, Senior Investigator, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital
