JST-NSERC Workshop on "Sustainable Water Use"

Sustainable Water Use

Purpose of the Workshop

1. Introduce an overall picture of the current status of research from both countries in this field
2. Discuss the significance of research cooperation between Japan and Canada in the field of sustainable water use
3. Share ideas for possible cooperative research projects between Japan and Canada

Day 1: Monday 21st October

Opening Session


Welcome Addresses and Overview of Workshop Program

・ Mr. Kazuho Kawamata, Director for Special Missions, Department of International Affairs, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
・ Mr. Jean Saint-Vil, Director, Policy and International Relations, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)


Keynote Lectures

Professor Taikan Oki, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Hugh J. MacIsaac, University of Windsor, Canada

Session 1 Opportunities and Challenges in Community Water Technologies
10:15-10:45 Each speaker to give an overview of their country's current strengths and potential future directions by focusing on the current state of their research
Chair: Taikan Oki, Professor, The University of Toyo
10:25 -

Mari Asami, Chief Senior Researcher, National Institute of Public Health, Japan

10:35 -

Madjid Mohseni, Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada

Break 10:45-11:00
11:00-11:50 11:00 - Hiroaki Furumai, Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan
(Session1 continued)
11:10 -

Sarah Dorner, Professor, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada

11:20 -

Shinjiro Kanae, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

11:30 -

Graham Gagnon, Professor, Dalhousie University, Canada

11:40 - Questions and Discussion
Lunch Break
Session 2 Business Approach to Sustainable Water Use
13:00-13:30 Chair: Taikan Oki, Professor, The University of Toyo
13:10 -

Ichiro Embutsu, Chief Researcher, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan

13:20 -

Shinjiro Yano, Researcher, Institute for Water Science, Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd., Japan

Session 3 Opportunities and Challenges in Aquatic Ecosystems Research
13:30 -14:10 Each speaker to give an overview of their country's current strengths and potential future directions by focusing on the current state of their research
Chair: Hugh J. MacIsaac, Professor, University of Windsor, Canada
13:40 -

Natacha Hogan, Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

13:50 -

Steven Cooke, Professor, Carleton University, Canada

14:00 -

Hironori Hayashi, Assistant Professor, Kyushu University, Japan

14:10 -

Joanna Wilson, Professor, McMaster University, Canada

Break 14:20-14:40
14:40- 14:40 - Allen Curry, University of New Brunswick, Canada
(Session3 continued)
14:50 -

Tetsuro Tsujimoto, Professor, Nagoya University, Japan

15:00 -

Helen Baulch, Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

15:10 -

Shigeo Yachi, Associate Professor, Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Japan

Questions and Discussion
Session 4 Day 1 Wrap Up
16:00-16:30 16:00 -


16:30 - Adjourn for Day 1

Day 2: Tuesday 22nd October (Invitation only)

9:20-9:25 Opening remarks and Overview of the Day 2 program
Session 1 Parallel Breakout Sessions
Split into two groups for 2.5 hour roundtable discussion
Summary of findings was provided from each rapporteur
9:30-12:00 Group 1 (Water Technologies) Group 2 (Aquatic Ecosystems)


Dr. Taikan Oki (Group Chair)
Dr. Mari Asami
Dr. Ichiro Embutsu
Dr. Hiroaki Furumai
Dr. Shinjiro Kanae


Dr. Hugh J. MacIsaac (Group Chair)
Dr. Allen Curry
Dr. Natacha Hogan
Dr. Steven Cooke
Dr. Joanna Wilson
Dr. Helen Baulch


Dr. Madjid Mohseni
Dr. Sarah Dorner
Dr. Graham Gagnon


Dr. Hironori Hayashi
Dr. Tetsuro Tsujimoto
Dr. Shigeo Yachi
Dr. Shinjiro Yano

Lunch Break
Session 2 Summary of Breakout Sessions
13:00-14:00 Chair: Dr. Taikan Oki and Dr. Hugh MacIsaac
13:00 -

Presentations from Group 1 and Group 2 Rapporteurs

13:30 - Open discussion
Break 14:00-14:20
Session 3 One to One Sessions
14:20-16:00 Elucidating collaborations and knowledge exchange opportunities
・ Discussions to focus on addressing areas highlighted by the previous sessions
・ An opportunity for delegates to consider areas of collaboration/exchange and elaborate on possible partnership under the JST-NSERC joint call and other mechanisms
Session 4 Day 2 Wrap Up
16:00-16:25 Wrap up and workshop findings
16:25-16:30 Closing Remarks
・ Mr. Kazuho Kawamata, Director for Special Missions, International Affairs, JST
・ Mr. Jean Saint-Vil, Director, Policy and International Relations, NSERC