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Development of Innovative Technologies for Efficient Generation of Green/Blue Hydrogen for Realization of Carbon-neutral Society with Consideration of Industrial and Environmental Characteristics in the Region

Environment / Energy (Carbon Neutrality)

Republic of Uzbekistan

Development of Innovative Technologies for Efficient Generation of Green/Blue Hydrogen for Realization of Carbon-neutral Society with Consideration of Industrial and Environmental Characteristics in the Region

Establishing hydrogen production technologies that fully utilize everything from solar power to underground resources!

  • SDGs07
  • SDGs09
  • SDGs13

Principal Investigator

    • Prof.
      SUGAI Yuichi

      Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
    • Dr.
      Zukhra Kadirova

      Deputy Director, Uzbek-Japan Innovation Center of Youth

ODA Recipient Country

Republic of Uzbekistan

Research Institutions in Japan

Kyushu University / Waseda University

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Uzbek-Japan Innovation Center of Youth / National University of Uzbekistan / Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies / National Scientific Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2023

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Development of hydrogen production technologies that make use of Uzbekistan’s regional characteristics

To establish a foundation for turning Uzbekistan into a hydrogen society, the project will develop a blue hydrogen production technology that produces nothing but hydrogen through the underground conversion of oil remaining in the country’s old oil fields into hydrogen while sequestering byproduct CO2 underground, a high-efficiency green hydrogen production technology that combines perovskite solar cells and steam electrolysis, and a new green hydrogen producing photocatalyst using metal slag.

Contributions to the building of a realistic and sustainable hydrogen society using existing resources

By establishing multiple hydrogen production technologies that maximize the use of resources easily procured in Uzbekistan, we will contribute to the building of a sustainable hydrogen society based on a stable hydrogen supply system. These technologies are expected to be deployed globally from Central Asian countries with similar regional characteristics as high quality technologies originating in Japan.

Photo gallery


Fluid survey being conducted in an oil well produced from a petroleum reservoir


Survey of oil fields to be used in the research on underground petroleum hydrogenation technologies


This molecular model-like logo represents the project’s philosophy of creating new values by combining hydrogen (H2) and Uzbekistan (Uz). The symbol colors are taken from national flag of Uzbekistan and also mean green & blue hydrogen for sustainable future.


Meeting concerning perovskite solar cell
field tests to be conducted at the National
Scientific Research Institute of Renewable
Energy Sources (NSRI-RES)

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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