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Development of Novel Disease Management Systems for Banana and Cacao


Republic of the Philippines

Development of Novel Disease Management Systems for Banana and Cacao

Bring new ideas to the fight against intractable banana and cacao crop diseases!

  • SDGs02
  • SDGs12
  • SDGs15

Principal Investigator

    • Prof.
      WATANABE Kyoko

      College of Agriculture, Tamagawa University
    • Dr.
      Parsons N. Hail

      Associate Professor of Communication and Development Studies, Director of International Affairs Ofiice, Central Luzon State University (CLSU)

ODA Recipient Country

Republic of the Philippines

Research Institutions in Japan

Tamagawa University / Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology / Mie University

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Central Luzon State University (CLSU)

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2020

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Development of new technological systems that control major diseases affecting bananas and cacao
Bananas and cacao are important crops for food security and economic development in developing countries, but they are subject to intractable diseases for which control methods have not been established. In order to rein in these diseases, we propose to introduce comprehensive disease control management systems by developing diagnostic kits and disease outbreak prediction apps, and by optimizing methods of biological soil disinfestation, fertilizer management and cultivation management. In addition, we intend to collect various fungi, including pathogens, from banana and cacao plantations, to construct a microbe library and make effective use of microbial resources.

Contribute to sustainable banana and cacao production by developing disease management systems
The Philippines is a major producer of bananas for export, and is also focusing on cacao production. By preventing diseases in these crops, which are both considered important crops throughout the world, and by achieving sustainable production, we aim to prevent economic losses stemming from decreased crop yields. In addition, we aim to help reduce environmental pollution and damage to the health of the local population resulting from improper application of agricultural chemicals.

Photo gallery


Black pod disease in a cacao tree


Project formation conference at Central Luzon University


Banana Farms infected with Panama disease

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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