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Restoration of Pastureland by Effective Usage of Wild Forage Plants based on Traditional Knowledge of Nomadic Mongolians



Restoration of Pastureland by Effective Usage of Wild Forage Plants based on Traditional Knowledge of Nomadic Mongolians

Boost the sustainability of Mongolian livestock farming using traditional knowledge of nomadic Mongolians

  • SDGs02
  • SDGs08
  • SDGs15

Principal Investigator

    • Prof.
      ASAMI Tadao

      Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
    • researchmap
    • Prof.
      Javzan BATKHUU

      National University of Mongolia, School of Engineering and Applied Science

ODA Recipient Country


Research Institutions in Japan

The University of Tokyo / Kyoto University / Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University / National Agriculture and Food Research Organization

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

National University of Mongolia / Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Research Institute of Animal Husbandry / Institute of Veterinary Medicine (IVM) / Center for Ecosystem Studies (CES)) / Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry / SHINE ANGIRT Co., Ltd / MONOS Group Company

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2019

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Using traditional knowledge of nomadic Mongolians to maintain the health of livestock and restore Mongolia’s degraded grasslands
This project gathers the rich knowledge and oral traditions of nomadic Mongolians regarding Mongolian grassland flora’s effectiveness in restoring livestock health and degraded grasslands, selects useful grassland flora, and scientifically demonstrates their usefulness by investigating the chemical compounds and new genes that give them their restorative effectiveness. It also preserves grasslands and livestock health using grassland flora that grows well and is effective in maintaining good health by ‘diagnosing’ exhausted Mongolian grasslands and ‘treating’ them by establishing and deploying methods of cultivation for the selected flora.

Improving livestock farming productivity through more extensive use of pasture that is resistant to climate change and maintains good health
This project will develop the pastoral livestock farming industry through restoration of degraded Mongolian grasslands that have been improved through the scientific use of traditional knowledge of nomadic Mongolians and the spread of grassland flora that improves the productivity of grasslands degraded by overgrazing and contributes to livestock health. The application of this methodology will contribute to the revitalization of nomadic pastoral industries facing similar issues around the world.

Photo gallery


Mugwort, which is unfit for livestock farming, thrives in degraded grasslands.


Meeting between observation group and local researchers


Trial cultivation at research station in the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar


Herd of sheep and goats eating mugwort in survey grassland.


Encountered herd of Mongolian gazelle during field survey in winter.


Field survey in Mongolian grassland.


Collection of Chloris virgate.

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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