Development and Implementation of New Damage Assessment Process in Agricultural Insurance as Adaptation to Climate Change for Food Security
Environment / Energy (Global-scale environmental issues)
Republic of Indonesia
Baba Barus
Republic of Indonesia
Chiba University / The University of Tokyo / Tohoku University / Nihon University
Bogor Agricultural University / Udayana University / West Java Provincial Agriculture Office / Badung District Agriculture Office in Bali Province
FY 2016
5 Years
Development and implementation of an efficient method for damage assessment utilizing spatial information
Specifically targeted at Indonesia, which has launched an agricultural insurance system for rice producers, the project aims to “contribute to future food security on an international basis by supporting the improvement of agricultural insurance as a means of adapting to climate change, thus increasing the adoption of agricultural insurance.” It also aims to realize the implementation of objective and efficient damage assessment covering wide area, the core of agricultural insurance system, by establishing new assessment method utilizing spatial information from such as satellites, drones, GIS and other sources.
Enhancement of agricultural insurance system as a means of adapting to climate change and realization of sustainable agriculture
A more efficient damage assessment method can be built by utilizing satellites and drones, compared to assessment methods relying on eye inspection. By improving insurance system to meet the needs of Southeast Asia and increasing their adoption, economic damage from climate change to agricultural producers can be mitigated, thereby contributing to the establishment of a support system to ensure sustainable production and food security.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
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