JST Top > Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development > Projects >

Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

United Mexican States


Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation

Exploiting the science of slow earthquakes to mitigate disasters from megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis

  • SDGs11
  • SDGs04
  • SDGs17

Principal Investigator

    • Associate Prof.
      ITO Yoshihiro

      Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
    • researchmap
    • Dr.
      Victor Manuel Cruz Atienza

      Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

ODA Recipient Country

United Mexican States

Research Institutions in Japan

Kyoto University / The university of Tokyo / Tohoku University / Kobe University

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

IInstituto de Geofísica / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) / Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (CENAPRED)

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2015

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Forecasting the size of future megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis by exploiting the new technology of offshore and onshore geophysical observations.
We aim to assess the potential for megathrust earthquakes in the coastal region of the Guerrero state by establishing the first Mexican seafloor geodetic and seismic network to obtain slow earthquake data. After analyzing the onshore data as well as the landward data, such as onshore GNSS* stations and seismic stations, we will develop scenarios for the earthquake and tsunami hazard, an earthquake/tsunami hazard map, and a tsunami evacuation sign to aid in safely evacuating the residents. The development of disaster education programs will help mitigate disasters with the inclusion of Mexican cultural perspectives and actions to be taken. *GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System

Utilization of the new knowledge on slow earthquakes to mitigate the disasters from future megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis
Understanding the similarities and differences between slow and megathrust earthquakes in Japan and Mexico will contribute greatly to understanding the fundamental physics of megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan’s Nankai Trough region as well as the Mexican subduction zone. Furthermore, initiatives aimed at mitigating damage in the event of a megathrust earthquake will aid in the sustainable development of Japanese society by ensuring the lives and belongings of citizens are protected in the event of a future megathrust earthquake centered in western Japan.

Photo gallery

Conducting inspections near the coastal tide level observation point

Conducting inspections near the coastal tide level observation point

Touring a local observation point

Touring a local observation point

Concluding the collaborative Research Agreement at UNAM

Concluding the collaborative Research Agreement at UNAM

At conclusion of minutes of meeting

At conclusion of minutes of meeting

Waveglider for the seafloor geodetic observation

Waveglider for the seafloor geodetic observation

Preparation of a ocean bottom observation equipment on board

Preparation of a ocean bottom observation equipment on board

Installation of a ocean bottom observation equipment

Installation of a ocean bottom observation equipment

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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