Research on the Integration System of Spatial Environment Analyses and Advanced Metal Recovery to Ensure Sustainable Resource Development
Environment / Energy (Global-scale environmental issues)
Republic of Serbia
Director Adviser
Zoran Stevanovic
Republic of Serbia
Akita University / Japan Space Systems / Mitsui Mineral Development Engineering Co., Ltd.
Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor / Technical Faculty-Bor, University of Belgrade
FY 2014
5 Years
Detoxifying mining wastes and wastewater, making them available as resources
In and around the mining center of Bor in Serbia, mining and metallurgical activities have produced waste material that contains metals, leading to environmental pollution issues. This project aims to conduct fact-finding surveys of the pollution and develop technologies to recover metal from mining waste and wastewater, thereby establishing methods of resource development that are environmentally-friendly. It is also working on ways of recycling the recovered metals, with the aim of ensuring that environmental measures become a sustainable system. Furthermore, the project builds capacity in the form of local researchers able to deal with environmental issues, and represents a contribution to Serbia's economic development through mining.
Promoting environmentally friendly resource development to secure a stable supply of resources
Waste material recycling and environmental restoration technologies have general applicability, and are of potential benefit in areas engaged in resource development worldwide. Environmentally friendly resource development is possible in every nation. Environmental preservation is one of the most significant challenges for resource-rich countries, and ensuring that the environment is protected leads to a stable supply of resources.
Serbian counterparts with project members from Akita University
Onsite analysis to measure arsenic levels in river water samples
Sampling flotation tailings and wastewater with local project members
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Utilization Technology of Rubber Seeds for Green Products to Mitigate Global Warming and Plastic Pollution
Environment / Energy
(Carbon Neutrality)
Development of a Decarbonized Heat Energy Supply System using Ground Heat Source
Creation of Beef Value Chain by Optimizing Ruminal Microbiota and Grassland Management on Digital Platform