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Diversity Assessment and Development of Sustainable Use of Mexican Genetic Resources


United Mexican States


Diversity Assessment and Development of Sustainable Use of Mexican Genetic Resources

Bringing Stability to World Food Supplies with Japanese Technology + Mexican Resources

  • SDGs02
  • SDGs15
  • SDGs16

Principal Investigator

    • Prof.
      WATANABE Kazuo

      Gene Research Center, University of Tsukuba
    • researchmap
    • Dr.
      Jose Fernando De la Torre Sanchez

      Director, National Genetic Resources Center (CNRG)

ODA Recipient Country

United Mexican States

Research Institutions in Japan

University of Tsukuba

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

National Genetic Resources Center (CNRG)

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2012

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Exploring methods for preserving and managing genetic resources that are the foundation of food production
To stabilize the world's food supplies, it is essential to preserve the diversity of agricultural genetic resources (genomes and genes of agricultural crops, farm animals, etc.) and to utilize those resources. In Mexico, which is No.4 in terms of diversity of genetic resources among the list of 17 megadiversity countries (countries with rich biodiversity), the project is researching assessment of genetic resource diversity, establishment of methods for long-term preservation, and management of such methods. Ultimately, the aim is to establish a model for implementation of "access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits" based on international regimes such as the Nagoya Protocol for the Convention on Biological Diversity and FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

Leading model for sharing of abundant resources beyond national borders
If methods for long-term preservation of genetic resources, and management of such methods could be established at a gene bank (genetic resource preservation and management facility) in Mexico with science and technology assistance from Japan, it should be a good practice model of genetic resource research beyond national borders and international sharing of benefits under the present complex paradigm influenced by strict international laws. That outcome would provide a biological foundation for economic growth and food security.

Photo gallery

Tanks for ultra low temperature storage of genetic resources

Tanks for ultra low temperature storage of genetic resources

Chayote, one of the crop species covered by this project

Chayote, one of the crop species covered by this project

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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