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Multi-beneficial Measure for Mitigation of Climate Change in Vietnam and Indochina Countries by Development of Biomass Energy

Environment / Energy (Carbon Neutrality)

Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Multi-beneficial Measure for Mitigation of Climate Change in Vietnam and Indochina Countries by Development of Biomass Energy

Four Birds with One Stone: Energy Production System Resolves All Problems at Once

  • SDGs07
  • SDGs17

Principal Investigator

    • Visiting Researcher. MAEDA Yasuaki

      Graduate School of Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
    • researchmap

ODA Recipient Country

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Research Institutions in Japan

Osaka Prefecture University / Ehime University / Osaka City University / Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU-Hanoi), etc.

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2011

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Revitalizing devastated land + Preventing atmospheric pollution + Creating jobs + Mitigating climate change
Vietnam faces serious problems: 9 million ha of land contaminated by defoliants or devastated by activities such as slashand- burn agriculture, the atmospheric pollution in urban areas resulting from rapid economic development, and the poverty in mountainous regions. The goal of this project is to plant trees in the devastated land and use them to produce oil as a feedstock for fossil-fuel alternatives, manufacturing clean fuels that can be used in urban areas. Not only would this resolve three issues at once ─ revitalize devastated land, prevent atmospheric pollution and create local jobs ─ it would also create a biomass energy production and utilization system that would be an effective means of mitigating climate change.

Producing high-grade fuels from a variety of oils, and finding uses for byproducts
A newly developed co-solvent process to manufacture high-grade biodiesel(BDF) from a variety of oils- Jatropha oil, catfish oil, and rubber seed oil- is successfully producing fuel, which can be used to power cars and boats without mixing it with conventional diesel fuel. Researchers are now working on making the method more economical for the production of BDF which is competitive to petro-diesel. To realize this final goal Now we are studying on the extraction of Vitamin E and other medicine from oil seeds and also on the effective utilization of byproducts.

Photo gallery

Cultivation of Jatropha curcas at coal mining

Cultivation of Jatropha curcas at coal mining

Pilot plant for BDF production set at VNU

Pilot plant for BDF production set at VNU

BDF fueled cruising boat at Ha Long Bay

BDF fueled cruising boat at Ha Long Bay

Authorization ceremony of Biomass Center in VNU Hanoi as Key Laboratory

Authorization ceremony of Biomass Center in VNU Hanoi as Key Laboratory

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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