Comprehensive Etiological and Epidemiological Study on Acute Respiratory Infections in Children: Providing Evidence for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Pneumonia in the Philippines
Infectious Diseases Control
Republic of the Philippines
Republic of the Philippines
Tohoku University
Department of Health - Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)
FY 2010
5 Years
Preventing acute respiratory infections from developing into serious conditions deadly to infants
Acute respiratory infections are the leading cause of death of infants in developing countries. Reducing the number of deaths from pneumonia and other serious acute respiratory infections with high mortality rates is a particularly urgent issue worldwide. For this project, we are collecting basic data such as demographic data, incidence and mortality rate of acute respiratory infections in areas of the Philippines with particularly high infant mortality, and identifying etiologies of acute respiratory infections including fatal cases. Based on analysis of this data, we plan to implement intervention studies to assess various strategies including more effective management protocols and other measures to reduce mortality and prevent serious infections.
Obtaining reliable data to develop control measures for acute respiratory infections in children that can be applicable to other developing countries
After setting up an laboratory testing system at the four selected project hospitals, work commenced on taking specimens from patients and identifying the causative agents. In the Biliran area, a cohort study* has begun in two municipalities and twenty-five barangays (villages) chosen on the basis of a prior survey, and long-term follow-up of children and risk analysis is now in progress. The outcomes of our research will be applicable to other developing countries, and will hopefully contribute to combating acute respiratory infections in children globally.
* Cohort study: A research method that involves tracking a specific group (cohort) over a long period.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Infectious Diseases Control
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