UASB - DHS Integrated System ━ A Sustainable Sewage Treatment Technology
Tohoku University / Kisarazu National College of Technology / Nagaoka University of Technology / Niigata University of Phermacy and Applied Life Sciences
Ministry of Environment & Forests’s National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD), etc.
FY 2010
5 Years
Born in Japan and grown-up in India, DHS is set to become a de facto standard for wastewater treatment
In India, the waters of the Ganga and its great tributary, the Yamuna, are seriously polluted with untreated raw sewage. These rivers are sacred to the Hindus, who use the water for ritual bathing, so this situation affects their basic human rights. As part of this project, a DHS (Down-flow Hanging Sponge) reactor is being put into service in the Yamuna river basin, using a revolutionary minimal-energy sewage treatment process developed over many years by Hideki Harada and his team. This environmental preservation technology was developed in Japan, and the project marks the first time that it has been used to help improve the environment of a developing country. The project site is a sewage treatment plant in Agra, very near to the Taj Mahal, India’s greatest treasure. The choice of this location is an indication of the great expectations of the Indian government for this technology.
Aiming to become the de facto world standard: Innovative technology can purify the world's water
A full-size DHS system will be installed at a sewage treatment plant in Agra, and demonstration tests will be conducted by the international joint research consortium including Indian government agencies, local teams, and Japanese researchers. Design guidelines and O&M manuals will also be prepared for the purpose of deploying this technology first along the Yamuna River and the Ganga River, and then throughout India and to other parts of Asia, Africa and Central and South America as well.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
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Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
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