Research Partnership for the Application of Low Carbon Technology for Sustainable Development
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) / Kyoto University
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), etc.
FY 2009
4 Years
Applying Japanese low carbon technologies to small and medium-sized enterprises in India
India is the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases. As such, the country has the potential for substantial reduction in emissions. Through this project, Japan and India are collaborating on research into methodologies for applying and promoting the use of Japanese low carbon technologies to small and medium-sized enterprises in India. Researchers have conducted studies to select technologies that have high energy-saving effect and are highly applicable to India. Then they have conducted pilot projects to apply the selected technologies to small and mediumsized enterprises and verified their impacts. The project has also selected application technologies, analyzed success factors and impediments to technology transfer, brought together knowledge on topics such as support policy, and proposed specific strategies for deploying low-carbon technology from Japan.
Opening up low-carbon approaches for India through pilot projects
Of the four technologies selected for application, gas heat pumps (GHP) and electric heap pumps (EHP) require the application of equipment (for the first time in India). The compressed air system and induction furnace technologies are applied through kaizen activities under the guidance of experts and capacity building. Utilizing the outcomes and networks that result from the project, and working through links between industry, government, and research institutions, researchers aim to achieve more widespread use of low-carbon technology in India.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Establishing Sustainable Water Supply System Resilient to the Contamination of Drinking Water Sources
Establishment of Nitrogen-efficient Wheat Production Systems in Indo-Gangetic Plains by the Deployment of BNI-technology
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Development of Easy-operation High-tech Analytical Devices and Human Resource for Food Safety and Environmental Quality Control