(Other Reports)
Nanotechnology and Materials R&D in Japan (2018): An Overview and Analysis/CRDS-FY2017-XR-02
Nanotechnology and materials continue to evolve with such core technologies as control of nanometer-scale structures, prediction of material structures and functions, and characterization of materials. They are expected to provide a cross-cutting technology.
Nearly fifteen years have passed since national policies on nanotechnology were initiated in many countries. During these years nanotechnology has been caught up in the pursuit of technological limits, technology fusion, and systemization. Devices and component materials, which will play a key role in the coming IoT/AI era, would be made of a lump of nanotechnology. IoT devices embedded in the products of our surroundings possess capabilities of various sensing, computing to process collected data, networking to communicate data with the cloud. The progress of nanotechnology and materials is highly expected to implement those computing schemes as devices.
In this report 2018 version, the direction of nanotechnology and materials for driving the IoT/AI era is described together with a new technical description on structured materials, sensing technology, and bonding and adhesive technologies used for social infrastructures. An overall perspective of the R&D trends both inside and outside Japan and their prospects, and Japan's issues and grand challenges particularly in the field of nanotechnology and materials are summarized comprehensively.
This report describes CRDS's comprehensive views on nanotechnology and materials produced by collecting information and opinions through discussions in workshops and with the collaboration of 240 professionals from industry, academia, and government.