Solution-Driven Co-creative R&D Program for SDGs (SOLVE for SDGs): Preventing Social Isolation & Loneliness and Creating Diversified Social Networks | RISTEX

Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX)



President, Professional College of Arts and Tourism

The promotion of social inclusion through culture, particularly the implementation of social prescriptions through arts and culture, has become a popular policy in Europe and the United States. However, its practice in Japan has remained limited. There is a need for new methodologies and feasible frameworks tailored to Japan's cultural and educational context.
While my expertise is limited to the field of “theater,” I would like to share some thoughts in advance regarding the anticipated challenges of social implementation by drawing on my experience of engaging with various practices while touring Japan and other countries.
I look forward to encountering research efforts that create broader ripple effects through the generation of highly versatile data.