[Innovative Optics and Photonics] Creating State-of-the-Art Science by Innovative Optics and Photonics

Strategic Objective

Innovative fundamental technologies based on state-of-the-art photon science and technology

Research Supervisor


Koichiro Tanaka (Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)


 Optics and photonics have been contributing significantly to the development of science. The knowledge on the spectroscopy of atoms gave birth to quantum mechanics, which developed to semiconductor physics, supporting the platform of solid state spectroscopy, followed by quantum optics. The invention of the laser was a big milestone in the field of optical science, which today has become a fundamental technology for supporting several scientific fields and has led to infinite applications and developments, as represented by optical communication and recording. Thus, optics and photonics have been contributing to the academia and society, while the evolution of optics and photonics has been significant, resulting in a virtuous circle. Here, note that the dreams and ideals of the researchers who pursue new development in various scientific fields can be a strong motivation for generating new optics and photonics. The mindset to pursue the unfulfilled quest of the life science researchers, I want to see the inside of the cells in the special resolution as high as possible, has been driving the development of the technologies of high-resolution optical microscopes. Recently, as non-linear optics have involved, new fluorescent dyes are developed and the resolution by far overcomes the limitations in diffraction. The detection of the gravitational wave as predicted by Einstein in his theory of relativity used to be a dream of physicists, which has recently been accomplished with the development of the long-baseline laser interferometer. The technology to stabilize lasers and interferometers, which is necessary for long-term observation of the gravity wave, has developed optical science extensively. There is no limit to such examples.

 In this research area, we will develop innovative optics and photonics that have not yet been researched and will promote a challenging research environment that can cultivate a new phase of various scientific fields. In the course of such processes, we will try to create the fundamental optics and photonics that can be applied to various fields in the future.

Research Area Advisors

Hajime Ishihara Professor, Graduate school of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Shinichiro Iwai Professor, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Keiichi Edamatsu Emeritus Professor, Tohoku University
Mikako Ogawa Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
Shinya Koshihara Professor, School of Science, Institute of Science Tokyo
Ryo Shimano Professor, Cryogenic Research Center, The University of Tokyo
Toshinori Suzuki Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Takashi Nakano Director, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
Kazuhiko Misawa Vice-President, Chief Academic Officer, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Junji Yumoto Project Professor, The University of Tokyo

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2019
  2. Year Started : 2020
  3. Year Started : 2021

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