[Innovative optics and photonic] Year Started : 2021

Seiichiro Izawa

Development of innovative photon upconversion system using organic heterojunction interface

Grant No.:JPMJPR2101
Seiichiro Izawa

Associate Professor
Institute of Innovative Research
Institute of Science Tokyo


Photon upconversion is a process in which a material increases the energy of incident photons, resulting in the emission of photons with higher energies. The photon upconversion has drawn much attention because its potential applications such as a recovery of wasted low-energy photons in photovoltaics and photocatalysis, and biosensing, optogenetics, and photodynamic therapy using near-infrared light that has advantage of high penetration in living tissues. In this research plan, efficient solid state photon upconversion system using organic heterojunction interface will be developed. The detailed mechanism of the photon upconversion at the interface of the organic semiconductor materials will be revealed.

Yuta Ishii

Four-dimensional measurement for magnetic dynamics by soft x-ray time-resolved tomography

Grant No.:JPMJPR2102
Yuta Ishii

Chief researcher
Center for Basic Research on Materials
National Institute for Materials Science


In this research, measurements for spin dynamics in magnetic materials will be performed using time-resolved soft x-ray tomography method at synchrotron radiation facility. High-resolved four-dimensional measurement technique for magnetic dynamics will be achieved by combining time-resolved measurement and tomography method that is a probe capable of visualizing three-dimensional structure. This research wil lead to elucidate physical phenomena accompanied by unobservable magnetic excitations by conventional methods, such as spin-waves and dynamics of topological defects in three-dimensional magnetic structures.

Masatoshi Ishida

Second Near-infrared Phototherapy for Cancer

Grant No.:JPMJPR2103
Masatoshi Ishida

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Science
Tokyo Metropolitan University


In this project, novel second near-infrared absorbing dyes based on axially-functionalized silicon porphyrin-related macrocycles will be synthesized for the development of monoclonal antibody-dye conjugates, e.g., cetuximab, toward the cancer phototherapies. The investigation on their photophysical properties and photo-uncaging reactivity will be a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of deep cancer tissues noninvasively.

Tomoko Inose

Single-cell manipulation with nanowire single live-cell endoscopy

Grant No.:JPMJPR2104
Tomoko Inose

Program specific associate professor
The Hakubi project
Kyoto University


In order to understand the heterogeneity that exists in cell populations correctly, development of novel technique to manipulate and observe cell functions at the single-cell level is important. In this research, I will try to control the optical reaction field in the nanometer region in a single live cell with high spatiotemporal resolution with nonlinear optics on nanowires. This novel technique can realize precise gene/protein delivery. I will also try to develop a novel method for quantitative detection of changes of protein progression caused by the introduction of molecules at the single cell level.

Chiaki Ohae

Novel Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Region based on the Tailor-Made Nonlinear Optical Processes

Grant No.:JPMJPR2105
Chiaki Ohae

Associate Professor
Institute for Advanced Science
University of Electro-Communications


By freely controlling the “relative phase relationships” between light waves in a medium, the direction and speed of energy flow between light waves in a nonlinear optical process can be freely manipulated. In this research, by utilizing this new possibility of the nonlinear optical process, we challenge to realize a single-frequency vacuum ultraviolet laser that is wavelength-tunable over the entire range of 100 to 200 nm, and to create novel atomic, molecular, and optical sciences in the vacuum ultraviolet region by using the realized laser.

Fumihiro Kaneda

Temporal Sequential Entanglement for High Precision Optical Quantum Metrology

Grant No.:JPMJPR2106
Fumihiro Kaneda

Graduate School of Science
Tohoku University


Optical measurement and metrology are fundamental technology in modern science and industry. In this research project, we demonstrate optical metrology utilizing photonic entanglement, where photons, quanta of light, are quantum-mechanically correlated with each other, cooperatively working for high-precision metrology. We develop low-loss quantum memories and quantum gates to generate entanglement between photons produced at different times. This enables a large-scale, resource-efficient photonic entanglement with a small number of photon sources and quantum gates.

Tomohiro Tamaya

Science of quantum spin current induced by high-intensity terahertz field

Grant No.:JPMJPR2107
Tomohiro Tamaya

PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency


The conventional spintronics focuses on the diffusional spin currents that is immediately relaxed by the impurity and thermal scattering. Here, I propose a new concept of spin currents that is driven by the high-intensity terahertz field. Since the terahertz light field can generate the spin current before the thermal and impurity relaxation processes become dominant, the phase of Bloch wavefunction constructing the spin current cannot be diffused and the coherent quantum spin currents are realized. In this project, I theoretically investigate the generation mechanisms of quantum spin current as well as its properties, and open up a new research fields of spintronics that notably shows the quantum nature of Bloch wavefunctions.

Sachiko Nakamura

Dynamics of nanoscale magnetic structures in superconductors handled by strong sub-terahertz pulses

Grant No.:JPMJPR2108
Sachiko Nakamura

Associate Professor
Faculty of Science
Kyushu University


A Majorana particle can be localized in the core of a vortex, which is a nanomagnetic structure, in a topological superconductor. In order to pave the way for artificial manipulation of the Majorana particle, I will challenge totally-optical generation, annihilation, and manipulation of the vortex cores. For that purpose, I will develop a source for a high-intensity sub-terahertz pulse whose local polarization is freely controllable.

Yosuke Honda

Laser-cooled electron source for precision beam control

Grant No.:JPMJPR2109
Yosuke Honda

Associate Professor
Accelerator Department
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization


This project aims to develop an extremely high quality electron source by applying the laser-cooling technique of atomic gas. By ionizing the laser-cooled atoms, a well-collimated electron beam can be generated. The electron beam will be used for a terahertz accelerator, which requires a high quality beam due to its limited aperture. This project will open up a new research field of ultra precision beam control with a new concept of all-optical accelerator system. For example, it can be applied to an ultrafast electron microscope system that has the spatial and temporal resolution at the same time.

Kaoru Yamazaki

Ultrafast x-ray photochemistry of bio and x-ray functional molecules via multiscale reaction dynamics theory

Grant No.:JPMJPR210A
Kaoru Yamazaki

Research Scientist
Center for Advanced Photonics


This project develops an efficient and accurate multiscale reaction dynamics simulator for x-ray photochemistry to develop novel x-ray functional molecular materials and medicines. This simulator is applied to the x-ray photochemistryin the time scale of 10-1000 fs including core ionizations, Auger and nonradiative decays, and subsequent photofragmentation of radiosensitizers, organic scintillator etc. The simulator also realizes the direct imaging of ultrafast x-ray induced photochemical reactions of these functional materials and medicines by means of the prediction and interpretation of attosecond/femtosecond x-ray transient absorption spectra, which is essential for the molecular design of x-ray functional materials and medicines.

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