Strategic Objective
The creation of innovative materials and devices based on the creation of topological materials science
Research Supervisor
Masahito Ueda (Professor, School of Science, The University of Tokyo)
The purpose of this research area is to create materials and devices that have innovative functions unavailable through existing technology. This will be achieved by promoting research and development to contribute to both
(1) the solution of a problem in relation to a new emerging function and (2) the creation of a material and device based on a new function, new principle, and new structure from the approach of a fundamental platform based on the idea of topology as a new substance focusing on the invariance under continuous deformation. It is expected that the new material and device will be implemented in the super-smart society in the future.
For more specific research areas, we focus on condensed matter physics in relation to the topology of electronic states; we also include as our subjects the application to the fields of photonics and spintronics as well as device engineering that realizes new functions. In addition, our subjects include the topology in real space in addition to the control of spin current by using the topological characteristics such as topological defects, the soft matters to control the geometrical characteristics and entanglement of molecules.
As these research fields are inter-linked in a complex manner, the measurement, analysis, and treatment processes for the solution and control of crystal growth technology, structure, and physical properties; the creation of technological platforms (such as part materials and/or device designing technology); and the construction of the fundamental scientific principle are also implemented as endeavors to create a material and device having a new innovative function.
Research Area Advisors
Yoichi Ando |
Professor, Physics Institute II, University of Cologne |
Kohzo Ito |
Fellow, Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials, National Institute for Materials Science |
Takashige Omatsu |
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University |
Masashi Kawasaki |
Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo |
Miyuki Koiso |
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University |
Junji Tominaga |
Emeritus resaercher, In Electronics & Manufacturing field, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Shiho Nakamura |
Former Chief Specialist, Institute of Memory Technology Research & Development, Kioxia Corporation |
Yoshiteru Maeno |
Research Fellow, Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute |
Shinichi Yorozu |
Deputy Director, Center for Quantum Computing, RIKEN |
Research Projects
- Year Started : 2018
- Year Started : 2019
- Year Started : 2020