[Topology] Year Started : 2020

Xiuzhen Yu

New paradigm of the topological-magnetism science for the beyond-skyrmion era

Grant No.:JPMJCR20T1
Research Director
Xiuzhen Yu

Team Leader
Center for Emergent Matter Science

Yasujiro Taguchi Group Director
Center for Emergent Matter Science
Masahito Mochizuki Professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Waseda University

This project aims to develop a new three-dimensional (3D) magnetic-imaging technique to explore and observe 3D topological spin textures in magnets such as skyrmion-strings, magnetic hedgehogs (monopoles), and hopfions. Using the developed imaging technique, we will open a new paradigm of the topological-magnetism science for the upcoming beyond-skyrmion era by predicting, exploring and verifying emergent phenomena and materials functions of newly discovered topological magnets and topological spin textures.

Motohiko Ezawa

Method of topological quantum computation based on electric circuits

Grant No.:JPMJCR20T2
Research Director
Motohiko Ezawa

Graduate School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo

Minoru Kawamura Senior Research Scientist
RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science
Eiji Saitoh Professor
Graduate School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo
Yoshio Mita Professor
Graduate School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo

We verify the emergence of Majorana states in electric circuits by simulating a topological superconductor model. Then, demonstrating that braidings of Majorana states act as quantum gates, we perform basic experiments showing that topological quantum computations are executable based on electric circuits. In addition, we develop variable-electronic elements and ideal-electronic elements necessary for the realization of our proposal. We pave a way to a large-scale implementation based on analogue and digital integrated circuits applying the knowledge of electromechanical systems.

Mikito Koshino

Development of precisely-designed topological 2D materials

Grant No.:JPMJCR20T3
Research Director
Mikito Koshino

Graduate School of Science
Osaka University

Takashi Uemura Professor
Graduate School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo
Taro Hitosugi Professor
Graduate School of Science
The University of Tokyo

We develop and engineer precisely-designed 2D materials, such as nanoribbons and two-dimensional / three-dimensional networks, and establish topological band engineering in 2D materials. By combining condensed matter theory, organic chemistry and materials engineering, we theoretically design 2D-material-based superstructures with non-trivial topological electronic properties, fabricate them with the aid of nano-space technology on metal organic framework (MOF), and develop innovative electronic devices.

Yohei Yamamoto

Development of self-organized topological organic microresonators

Grant No.:JPMJCR20T4
Research Director
Yohei Yamamoto

Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
University of Tsukuba

Kenichi Yamashita Professor
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Hiroaki Yoshioka Associate Professor
Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Kyushu University

We fabricate topological organic microstructures by precise control of the self-assembly process of molecules. We will construct a laser devices with topological characters such as highly-directional circularly polarized lasers, optical vortex lasers from topological edge optical cavities and room temperature polariton propagation control devices. These devices will be utilized for highly sensitive optical sensing in response to changes in the external environment.

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