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The Dynamic Mechanism of and Fundamental Technology for Biological System

Research Supervisor
Shigetada Nakanishi
Director, Osaka Bioscience Institute
Year Started


The research covered by the present research area will aim to 1) explore the dynamic mechanism of biological system, 2) establish the fundamental technology for analysis from a novel perspective, 3) integrally analyze the interactive relationship and the integrative mechanisms of various functional molecules present in organisms, and 4) understand the expression of dynamic biological information. More specifically, it will cover those researches which aim to understand the biological system as a whole by analyzing from a new stand point, the expression mechanism of information network at intracellular, intercellular and organism levels on the basis of understandings obtained from recent studies of genetic information and functional molecular assembly. Such research should look at the dynamic non-linear reaction characteristic of biological system. Furthermore, it will also include those researches which aim to create a simulation model for expression of biological information or those which aim to create fundamental technology such as a novel analytical method, though those which combine the experimental analysis of biological system will be preferred.

Strategic Sector

Elucidation of the Dynamic Mechanism of Biological System and Establishment of Fundamental Technology

Research Projects

Year Started : 2007
Research DirectorAffiliationResearch Project
Masahiro Ueda Professor, Osaka University Fluctuation Analysis of Stochastic Biomolecular Computation System in Living Cells
Takao Kondo Professor, Nagoya University Circadian System of Cyanobacteria
Mikiko C. Siomi Associate Professor, Keio University Regulation of Gene Expression Mediated by RNA Silencing
Keiichi Nakayama Professor, Kyushu University Establishment of the Analytical Basis toward Comprehensive Understanding of the Ubiquitin System
Year Started : 2006
Research DirectorAffiliationResearch Project
Tadashi Uemura Professor, Kyoto University Unraveling How Cells Connect Global Tissue Asymmetry to Individual Cell Polarity
Ryoichiro Kageyama Professor, Kyoto University Mechanism of Ultradian Rhythms of Gene Expression
Shinya Kuroda Professor, The University of Tokyo Information Coding Systems of Signal Transduction
Hiroshi Hamada Professor, Osaka University Mechanism Generating Biological Polarities
Ikue Mori Professor, Nagoya University System Dynamics of Neural Circuit Governing Behavior
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