x Biomanufacturing Area | GteX (Green Technologies of Excellence)

Biomanufacturing Area

Program Officer(PO)

KONDO Akihiko

KONDO Akihiko

(Professor, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University)


In this area, in order to apply biomanufacturing technologies to a wide range of manufacturing industries such as chemical, textile, food and beverage, which emit 80.9 million tons of CO2 per year, we aim to increase productivity, diversity, and enhancement of functions and CO2 fixation capability of chemicals such as various aliphatic and aromatic compounds (materials or raw materials for rubber products, plastics, synthetic fibers, etc.), SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) and other next-generation fuels. We will promote research that will lead to the next-generation biomanufacturing system infrastructure using microorganisms/plants. The R&D area also aims to foster human resources with broad perspectives and development capabilities.

For further information, see Chapter 6 of "Application Guideline." (1.01MB)

R&D Projects

Team-based research

Establish nextgeneration biomanufacturing platforms with a focus on microorganisms

Establish nextgeneration biomanufacturing platforms with a focus on plants

Research to explore, analyze interactions between organisms

Research into evaluation systems using artificial systems

Research into more sophisticated analytical technologies and mathematical tools for information analysis

Innovative elemental technology research

Rapid genome-editing by natural histidine-rich moleculesR&D Period 2023.10-2024.3
Project Leader
Development of technology for designing highly translated proteinsR&D Period 2023.10-2024.3
Project Leader
KATO Teruyo
Deep generative model of mRNAs for biomanufacturingR&D Period 2023.10-2024.3
Project Leader
SATO Kengo
Development of a bio-production platform based on photoswitchingR&D Period 2023.10-2024.3
Project Leader
SATO Moritoshi
Development of AI-based rational design methods for high-performance de novo enzymesR&D Period 2023.10-2024.3
Project Leader

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Area Advisor(AD)

IIDA Junko Senior General Manager, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation
EZURA Hiroshi Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
KINOSHITA Toshinori Professor, Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University
SHIMIZU Hiroshi Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, OSAKA UNIVERSITY
TAOKA Naoaki Officer/Head of Agri-Bio Research Center, KANEKA CORPORATION
FUKUOKA Atsushi Professor, Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University
MATSUI Tomoko Head of R&D Japan, Research and Development, Novozymes Japan Ltd.
YAOI Katsuro Deputy Director General, Biotechnology and Materials Department, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
WADA Mitsufumi Director, Research & Development Department, Japan Bioindustry Association