Eco-engineering for Agricultural Revitalization Towards improvement of Human nutrition (EARTH): Water Hyacinth to Energy and Agricultural Crops
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Assoc. Prof.
Solomon Addisu Legesse
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Soka University / The University of Shiga Prefecture / Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute
Bahir Dar University / Injibara University / Lake Tana and Other Water bodies Protection and Development Agency
FY 2020
5 Years
Development of technologies for converting water hyacinth to energy, nutrients and agricultural products
Utilizing remote sensing and AI technology, the project will develop a sustainable harvesting model for water hyacinth, which is partly choking Ethiopia’s largest lake, Lake Tana. The aim is to use methane fermentation treatment to recover energy and nutrients from the harvested water hyacinth, use the recovered energy and nutrients for mass cultivation of microalgae (spirulina) that are attracting attention as a superfood, and develop nutritional supplements derived from spirulina together with local companies. Integrating interdisciplinary research conducted in Japan, we will work to establish technologies for the effective utilization of waste materials as valuable resources.
Help improve health and nutrition in Ethiopia to address the wide-ranging issue of “hidden hunger”
We aim to build a sustainable water hyacinth management system using ICT, providing a model for approaches using water hyacinth to eventually solve ecosystem and social problems. In addition, the development of spirulina-derived dietary supplements and adoption of such supplements in Ethiopia will help to alleviate the country’s health and nutrition problems.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Establishment of an Alert System for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, the Banana and Plantain Wilt Pathogen, and Mitigation Strategy of the Disease
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil
The Establishment of an Immediate Rice Variety Development System using Anther Culture and Citizen Science
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Establishment of Integrated Forest Management System Model for Conservation of Mountain Forest Ecosystems in the Andean-Amazon