Advancing Co-design of Integrated Strategies with Adaptation to Climate Change
Associate Prof.
Thanya Kiatiwat
Kingdom of Thailand
The University of Tokyo / Hokkaido University / Tohoku University / Ibaraki University / National Institute for Environmental Studies / Tokyo Institute of Technology / Nagoya University / Toyama Prefectural University / Kyoto University / Nagasaki University /Tohoku Institute of Technology / Gifu University
Kasetsart University / Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning / Royal Irrigation Department / Thai Meteorological Department
FY 2015
5 Years
Applying observation and forecasting technology to flood risk management transdisciplinarily
The advance of climate change is concerned to increase flood risk such as the large scale flooding that occurred in the Chao Phraya River Basin in the Central Thailand in 2011. To reduce these risks, we are working to combine in-situ and satellite observations with numerical simulation technology to provide early warning information, encourage appropriate land usage, combine an effective range of initiatives such as changes in operational rules for reservoirs, and promote dialog with government, citizens, and other stakeholders to construct an adaptation strategy that provides the maximum benefit to society at large.
Contribution to the development and realization of an appropriate adaptation strategy, ideally with the potential for expansion to neighboring countries.
We aim to contribute to the smooth construction and realization of a climate change adaptation strategy for the Kingdom of Thailand by developing the technologies and co-design methods required to develop an integrated adaptation strategy, establishing best practices, and fostering human resources in the field of adaptation. In addition, we aim to propose effective, sustainable solutions to climate change that can also be applied in neighboring South East Asian nations.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Utilization Technology of Rubber Seeds for Green Products to Mitigate Global Warming and Plastic Pollution
Environment / Energy
(Carbon Neutrality)
Development of the Duckweed Holobiont Resource Values towards Thailand BCG Economy
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Establishing Sustainable Water Supply System Resilient to the Contamination of Drinking Water Sources
Environment / Energy
(Carbon Neutrality)
Integrated Sustainable Energy and Food Production from Microalgae-based Carbon Capture and Utilization