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Ecological Studies on Flying Foxes and Their Involvement in Rabies-related and Other Viral Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases Control

Republic of Indonesia


Ecological Studies on Flying Foxes and Their Involvement in Rabies-related and Other Viral Infectious Diseases

Protecting People from Dangerous Viruses by Investigating the Ecology of Flying Foxes!

  • SDGs03
  • SDGs17

Principal Investigator

    • Prof.
      HONDO Eiichi

      Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
    • Dean
      Srihadi Agungpriyono

      Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

ODA Recipient Country

Republic of Indonesia

Research Institutions in Japan

Nagoya University / Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology / Yamaguchi University

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Bogor Agricultural University

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2014

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Understanding flying fox ecology to reveal high infection risk locations and activities
Bats can transmit rabies and other dangerous viruses. Among the bats, flying foxes travel particularly long distances, and should be monitored as animals that may spread infections across national borders. Their ecology, however, is still poorly understood. In this project, we are conducting a survey of the movement of flying foxes in Indonesia, home to a great diversity of plants and animals. We assess their points of contact with dogs, wild animals, and humans, and track routes of infection. We will also analyze the viral strains that they carry.

Improve public health through effective measures to prevent infection
The development of diagnostic tools and methods for rapid and exhaustive detection of viruses has enabled the gathering of more accurate infection data. Our aim is also to lay the foundations for research and education so that local researchers can carry out viral analysis and diagnosis independently, enabling them to continue gathering and disseminate infection data to reduce the number of infections caused by flying foxes.

Photo gallery


Flying foxes can fly several thousand kilometers and may spread viruses across a wide area


Drone used to survey flying fox habitats


Participants come together at a project meeting

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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