Research Project on Enhancement of Technology to Develop Tsunami-resilient Community
Republic of Chile
Port and Airport Research Institute / Kansai University / The University of Tokushima / Yamaguchi University
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC)
FY 2011
4 Years
Create tsunami-resilient communities through an early warning and tsunami observation network
In Japan, higher tsunamis than those envisaged in each of the regional disaster management plans struck the Tohoku region, where tsunami countermeasures were the most advanced in Japan, and caused devastating damage. Tsunami impacts on structures and the dangers of tsunami-induced debris have been recognized as a result of this disaster. In the joint research project between Chile and Japan, the aim is to enhance technology to prevent tsunami damage, to develop very precise early warning methods, to estimate potential damage at the pilot site, and to conduct research into programs that can create tsunami resilient communities.
Analyze past damage and prepare for possible tsunami damage
Information and data on tsunami damage that occurred in both countries will be summarized, and methods to estimate tsunami damage will be developed, validating the estimates by reproducing the damage through computer simulations. In addition, earthquakes and tsunamis likely to occur in Chile in the future will be estimated, and measures will be proposed to prevent and mitigate damage by the tsunamis envisaged. The goal of the research project is to enhance technologies to develop tsunami-resilient communities for the benefit of people in Chile, Japan, and other tsunami-prone areas.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Compound Disaster Risk Reduction associated with Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Recovering High-Value Bioproducts for Sustainable Fisheries in Chile (ReBiS)
Establishment of an Alert System for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, the Banana and Plantain Wilt Pathogen, and Mitigation Strategy of the Disease
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Establishment of a Research and Education Complex for Developing Disaster-resilient Societies - MARTEST