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Pilot Study for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in Gundih Area, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Environment / Energy (Carbon Neutrality)

Republic of Indonesia


Pilot Study for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in Gundih Area, Central Java Province, Indonesia

CO2 with Natural Gas Production Should be Sealed Deep Inside the Earth

  • SDGs13

Principal Investigator

    • Specially Appointed Prof. MATSUOKA Toshifumi

      Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Kyoto University
    • researchmap

ODA Recipient Country

Republic of Indonesia

Research Institutions in Japan

Kyoto University / Waseda University / Kyushu University / Fukada Geological Institute (FGI)

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), etc.

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2011

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

The mission is to solve the problem of reduction of emitted CO2 associated with natural gas production
Indonesia government plans to reduce CO2 emissions by 26% from 2005 levels by the year 2020. However, the large quantities of CO2 that are released into the atmosphere during production of natural gas at gas processing plant is thought as one of the serious problems for the achievement of the national purpose of a total CO2 reduction. This problem can be solved by establishing a system for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology ─ in which the CO2 from natural gas production is captured and injected into the ground ─ as a means of directly reducing CO2 emissions. This project is to conduct research and development of safety storage of CO2 in the subsurface and to establish monitoring technologies in the Gundih gas field in Central Java, where natural gas production is just started.

Imaging the subsurface CO2 storage is indispensable for the safe operation of CCS
The final purpose of research and development aims to reduce the level of CO2 emitted in association with natural gas production, and to systematize CCS technologies for safe underground storage of the CO2, helping to reduce CO2 emissions on a global scale. Since FY2012, the project has continued to study existing data, conduct surface surveys, and analyze rock samples to select the storage site, and has assembled the basic data required for evaluating storage layers.

Photo gallery

Indonesian and Japanese joint research team standing in front of a drill rig that is prepared to produce natural gas. The team was visiting the site to formulate research plans.

Indonesian and Japanese joint research team standing in front of a drill rig that is prepared to produce natural gas. The team was visiting the site to formulate research plans.

The concept of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS)

The concept of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS)

A drill rig in preparation for natural gas production

A drill rig in preparation for natural gas production

A drill rig in preparation for natural gas production

The kick-off meeting concerning CCS held at the headquarters of PERTAMINA in Jakarta, Indonesia

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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