Materials Informatics Group

Research Aims

Our group strives to utilize data science towards chemical reaction design in order to achieve the following three goals: "construction of chemical reaction database platform," "analysis of reaction path data," and "analysis of experimental data,". By analyzing reaction path data from a data science approach, we implement "visualization," "machine learning," and "graph theory," to extract knowledge that can be applied towards chemical reaction design.

Group Members

  • Takahashi, KeisukeProfessor
    BelongsFaculty of Science, Hokkaido University
  • Fujima, JunVisiting Associate Professor
    BelongsFaculty of Science, Hokkaido University
  • Nicole Takahashi, LaurenAssistant Professor
    BelongsFaculty of Science, Hokkaido University
  • Nicander Kuwahara, MikaelResearcher